A Journey Back to Yourself

It is time to honor all the elements within you and balance them out with love

The equinox time is the perfect time not only to honor the change in the seasons but also the change that happens within you as the seasons change. Many portals, what I like to call them, open up; meaning a deeper connection can be established with Higher Realms and of course yourself. Through this connection, more light codes can come into your field and root themselves into your being for more growth to happen.

On Autumn Equinox, Wednesday September 22nd, I will be hosting a sound healing event at two different times to give an opportunity to people all around the world to join. The times are 8am and 6pm Pacific Time. The concentration on the morning session will be the alignment of the Lower Triangle merging at the heart, and the one for the night session is the alignment of the Upper Triangle merging at the Heart as well. This will give you an opportunity to cleanse, you mind and body to receive more consciously the messages from your soul.

We will do a bit of breath work after opening up Sacred Space and go into the Journey back to Yourself.

The sound healing journey is $33 per person. Click on the button below to register.

If you have any questions, feel free to message me.

Much love and many Blessings

Rukmani 🦋

NOTE: The activation will be recorded. If you cannot join live, you will receive the replay to watch it at your own time.

Equinox Sound Healing Journey

Equinox Sound Healing Journey


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Check your email as you will receive the link to the event plus more information