Access the Portal of your soul
Registration for the Summit is Closed
Your Soul carries a specific code of Remembrance. It is the power of your lineage that has been passed on for generations upon generations until reaching someone that will have the courage and Self-Love to accept it and embrace it. This Code is the wisdom of Life that has been translated into human form by every single woman and man that came before you. The deep love of the Wisdom Keepers of your Lineage that KNEW you were coming and held it for you.
I invite you sister to travel so deep within your being to activate this code together.
There is only one chance we get and the chance is this life. Give yourself permission to receive the power that has been dormant within you and welcome yourself back as the Wisdom Keeper of your Lineage.
When you connect to the wisdom of your ancestors
Life becomes Sacred
Your Gifts are Remembered
You live from the Space of the Heart
the Sacred Container opens on December 10th at 9Am US Central Time / 7 am Pacific
Day 1 - December 10th
The Deep Story
Day 2 - December 11th
Accessing Your Ancestors Wisdom
Day 3 - December 12th
Encoding the Physical Body with “I AM WORTHY”
Day 4 - December 13th
Activating the Channels in the Field ( Ethers )
Day 3 - December 14th
Rebirth Ceremony and Celebration
NOTE: Recordings will be available for a limited time for those who cannot join live
Are you ready to Activate the Alchemy of Your Soul?
About Your Facilitator
Rukmani was born and raised in Lima, Perú. Her lineage comes from both the indigenous communities of her Mother Land (Rainforest area and Center Mountain Range) as well as from Spain. As a kid, teenager and young adult, she suffered from depression, anxiety, self-destructive patters as well as bulimia, anorexia and self-distorted image. When these energies became too much for her, she entered a deep depression where she had massive suicidal tendencies. In the darkest space of her being after trying to commit suicide her light ignited in the form of a phrase,
“There’s gotta be more to life than suffering.”
This curiosity was the turning point in her journey. Life became a flow of wisdom through different teachers and experiences. She was so hungry to know what she was that she took different kinds of trainings : Yoga, Breath work, Meditation, Sound Healing, Energy work, Space Holder, etc, leading her to wisdom of her Ancestors and her Soul through a Kundalini Awakening. From there on, she surrendered to her channeling abilities and dedicated her life to help empower other sisters around the world.
You were born to stand out
You didn’t come here to blend in
You came here to be a Leader
The Leader of the Heart