All photography provided by Ivan Carrillo
my Mission
is to guide you to remember yourself. We live in a society that has not only clogged our visions, our hearts, but also our memories. Our memory field is so important in our journey as it is through them our ancestors guide us and connect with us. As we continue to step forward and be part of this Revolution of Consciousness, it is crucial to remember.
It is crucial to remember yourself
It is crucial to remember our roots
It is crucial to remember our ancestors
it is crucial to remember US
“Rukmani Kaur opened me up, set me free. I feel very blessed to have received such loving care and guidance”
From Self-hatred to self-love
My Spiritual Awakening Journey started in my childhood. I was born and raised in Lima, Perú. My lineage comes from both the indigenous communities of the Rainforest area and the Center Mountain Range as well as from Spain. As a child, I felt so much the wisdom of my ancestors and my gifts, but I didn’t understand them, so I closed them off. I did so with tons of self-sabotaging patterns and harming myself very deeply.
As I very young kid, I became bulimic and anorexia and this went on for 20 plus years on and off. I hated myself and I wanted to change pretty much everything about me. Because of this deep pain within myself and the disconnection I had, I suffered from depression and anxiety to the point that I became massively depressed in 2011 and had extremely suicidal tendencies for over a year. I had to live second by second, breath by breath. It was through this massive drop into my shadow world that I found my strength and the gifts in my shadow self. I began to integrate myself and put myself back together (if you see me in person ask me to show you the tattoo on my right rib). I had embarked on the most amazing journey, and I hadn’t even realized it yet.
I began to study many different holistic therapies, did tons of yoga teacher trainings, energetic trainings, immersions, you name it. Whatever came my way I said,
In 2016 I had a MASSIVE Kundalini Awakening that shattered me to my core.
Diving deep into each practice cleansed so many of my energetics channels which let to the Awakening of my Kundalini Energy. This is where deep shadow work began and I dove even deeper into my own shadows. They guided me and showed me the way of the energetics. I spent about 3 years in nearly isolation, dedicating myself to me and my process. During this period of my life, I moved to Asia, where I connected with the innerdance community. This was a massive shift as I realized Kundalini Awakening was indeed normal.
This field of Consciousness (Innerdance ), helped me integrate more my own experiences and surrender to my gifts, especially Light Language and Channeling. I connected so deeply with my roots in Asia and in 2019 I moved to Cusco, Perú with my beloved where I began to remember the wisdom of my Motherland and my Ancestors. Coming full circle in the hero’s journey and the return to where I was born, activated the remembrance of Plant Spirits and the connectivity I had always had with them. I studied under different teachers in Perú and Colombia until I was ready to come out of my cocoon and share this wisdom with the rest of the world.
So, here I am, having gone through so many deep processes and painful experiences. I do not regret any of them because I know they all led me to who I am, and what I came here to do:
Help us remember the power of our hearts
We didn’t come here to inflict more pain in the collective or add more clouds in our visions, memory or energetic systems. We came here to truly live, and that begins when we remember ourselves.
Rukmani Kaur
“Rukmani has such a beautiful way of blending ancient wisdom and light language. During my session I was transported to higher dimensions and I felt clear and calm, like and essential piece of me was reintegrated and activated.”
my Method
I travel to the grid of the energetics where the portals to your multidimensional being exist. In that space, I merge with All That Is and this Personal Consciousness no longer runs the show. Even though you do hear my voice and see my body, it is not necessarily “me” doing the work, but the Energy of Life Itself.
Through that space many teachings, guidances, messages, shadow processes, remembrance, channels for you, as we guide you into a more balanced state so you can begin to clean your channels a bit more, and connect with the roots of your being. What you will hear is different kinds of Light Language (Light Codes translated into Voice), Shamanic Sounds, and Divine Chants.