Remembering Yourself
“The healing I’ve experienced from the time I started until now is mind blowing. Rukmani supported me with her gentle guidance, powerful gifts, and incredible knowledge. To work with her is a blessing.”
The Container opens up on Jan 11th
Initiation Processes:
Arriving: Energy Reading, Intention & Reclaiming Ceremony
Tierra: Accepting and Being in your Temple
Sacred Dance - Releasing from the Lower Triangle (Lower Chakras)
innerdance (sound healing journey) - Lower Triangle Alignment
Agua: The Wisdom Your Emotions & the Sacredness of Tears
Mother’s lineage healing your Heart & Welcoming the Feminine
Father’s lineage healing your Heart & Welcoming the Masculine
The Self Healing & the Sacred Union of the Masculine and Feminine Energies
Womb Healing & Activation
Étero: Energy Reading and Dream Work
Aire: Freeing your Voice
Throat Healing Process & Activation
Invoking your Guides & Opening the Channels to Higher Dimensions
Fuego: The Rise
Intuitive Movement - Merging the Lower and Upper Triangles at the Heart
Cacao and Rebirth Ceremony
Are you ready to embrace your power?
Click on the button below to schedule a call with me
Weekly Accountability (Check-ins)
Kundalini Yoga Practice*
Mentorship and Coaching Calls (Integration)**
New Moon & Full Moon Ceremonies***
Elemental Ceremonies
Weekly Yoga, Meditation and Pranayama Videos
An hour Integration Session 2 weeks after the program is done
NOTE: All processes are Channeled specifically for you to help you in your current journey. The medicine of Light Language is used to help you access deeper parts of you for your healing and growth.
*Meditation practice to get rid off Self-Sabotaging Patterns & activate the Remembrance of Self-Love
** Every month we have a Coaching & Mentorship Call to give space for the process to integrate and to support you in your growth. In these calls, we go over what is being present for you. This is a safe place where I invite you to share your ups and downs as well as asking any questions about your process.
*** If the Moon energies land on an Integration Session Week, we will have the Moon celebration and a small integration call.
LENGHT: 3 month or 6 month Program. This is determined after our first conversation to support your growth and the expansion of your being.
The Container opens up on Jan 11
Working with the Moon Energy
We start on the New Moon Day (or days around it) as an initiation to your new empowered being and we celebrate the end of this journey and the beginning of a new one on the Full Moon Day.
Moon & Element Ceremonies
We meet on every New and Full Moon Day for a Ceremony of Letting go and Self-acceptance. Depending on which element we are working on, we also do an Elemental Ceremony during the Moon Days.