Kundalini Awakening

I haven't shared much about this. The reason is because is so deep, personal, intense and sometimes I just wanna be with myself and my experience. However, I know that I cannot be the only one in our world experiencing this, and perhaps some have no idea of what's going on. I am so blessed and grateful to have guidance through the process, not only from my Kundalini teachers, but also my Spiritual Master, Energy Teacher and soul sister that has gone through the entire process.
There are some days that I can't do much, like yesterday and today. Feeling so much, feeling the energy moving within me, feelings rising to be cleared and released, weakness in my physical body to the point I can barely move. It used to happen more at night time when I would be chilling at home with baby, although slightly different. I would feel the energy moving and I would go into a trance; my physical body would move, squeezing my spine, moving my arms around, cracking bones, neck turning in all directions, body collapsing into the couch, cleansing my being. I got used to that and so did baby. After coming back, I could barely eat, because of all the energy within me. One thing is at night when you are technically almost done with your day, other is during daylight when you still have things to do. Which I struggled with a bit, because I am very active, I practice yoga and fitness pretty much everyday, feeding myself enough and also resting when I know I need to in order not to burn myself out. But I realized, if it's gonna happen, is because I'm ready and it can happen at anytime. I stopped trying to control it and surrender in the process and let it be. 
I haven't been able to eat since last saturday... and I enjoy me some delish vegan meals and juice. I've been eating, but barely. It's almost like my being says, nah, I'm cool. Yesterday I had to take an uber home from our store because I knew I wasn't going to be able to drive, but before that I had a little breakdown. I allowed it to be, not keeping anything in. I asked my Angels, guides, and Masters to be by me. My Guardian Angel held my right hand, my main Reiki Guide held my left and Guru Ram Das Was in front of me, all of them sending me energy and being there for support. I know I am NEVER alone and I am so grateful for that awareness. 
At the beginning of it all, I was a bit scared, because I didn't know what was happening. Meow, I relax into it. Even if my body paralyzes for a bit, I know I am ok. This is ALL happening because I am strong enough and because I am ready for it and well... I did ask for it haha
I am sharing this, in case you are going through something similar and have no idea what's going on. You are not alone in this process, and it's all happening because you're entire being is craving it and ready for it.
Trust the process, ease into it and enjoy the beauty of it all.