Be the Hero in your own Story

Be the hero in your own story! 💜🙏🦄

Part of the process of our evolution is experiencing the "Victim Mentality." It is something to truly pay attention to, because it could go on for a long time if allowed to.

In this phase of life, even if you know you've messed up, you turn things around on others so they feel sorry for you and perhaps you can get what you want. It's true, it's so real, but that's ok. Remember it's all a process.

However, the way I see things meow, that's self sabotage... you're not allowing the process to go, blocking it, not allowing yourself to continue growing and hurting you even more... oh man, have I done plenty of these ,specially when I was depressed! 😱 😕

The main thing though, is to acknowledge what you are doing. Do you wanna be stuck in the same mentality, stopping your evolution process when everything else is beautifully evolving?!

Start with acknowledging that you create your own reality. Meow, is that reality the one you want to continue create? Or is the one that you want to out an end to? 

Imagine the life of your dreams, visualize it and manifest it! Yes you can!

Be the hero of your story, because you ARE. Believe in the power within yourself. Believe in your manifestation powers and believe in YOU.! 😁😍🙌🙌💜🙏🦄🦄


Many blessings and love your way!