My Water Fasting Journey - Part 2

Qosqo, Perú

Sunday June 9th 2019

Water Fasting Day 6th

Today is day sixth of the 10 days of water fasting.


To be completely honest, I really thought it was gonna be difficult, but it truly hasn't been. Of course at times I feel weak and I need to rest laying down.

The one thing I have noticed, is that my heart rate has increased a bit and it worries me at times. The reason being is that when I was super anemic, that would happen. I would have to sit down and rest if I was walking and then get back up. However, Amor looked it up and that is normal! So good!! I'm fairly new at these things so I am so grateful he is by my side and helping me as much as he can!

I know Amor looked it up, but I had to ask my Guides, since they are always available. I asked them and I asked my entire being, because as I have said before, if a tiny little thing is not favoring myself as a whole, I will stop. I had spent enough years harming me, there is no way I am going back to that. Luckily, the answer was positive.

"Any tips about the fast?"

"You are doing great. Your body is adjusting. You are in ketosis, just be gentle. There is A LOT happening.


This is your time to rest; you have been wanting to.

Rest your mind, body and spirit.
Do what you need to do but with care and caution. Your body feels fragile because of the changes, that's why the increase of your heart rate, but you are fine =) "

"Cool. Ya the breathing and heart rate thingy freaked me out a bit"

"And that's normal. You are not used to that. But truly you are ok. The thing now..."

"You mean meow?"

"Meow, you gotta make sure that on Friday you introduce gentle foods. Start with a juice. Ya like the cucumber mint juice... uh huh hierba buena... start with the juice and then raw veggies, probably for the first 2-3 days and see how you feel. Stay in a raw diet for a bit.


Well don't stuff yourself with them and ya the raw dessert you have been wanting to make, you can have some. =) "

"Ok! Muchas gracias!"

At times, I don't have so much energy and I feel like I need to lay down. My back also began to hurt. It reminded me when I was working on my posture (my back used to be so rounded) and it was SUPER uncomfortable to keep my back straight.... interesting... so I really need to rest my back against something, whether is the back of a chair, but the most comfortable is laying down... yet... I can't lay down for the rest of this fast! 😂😂

I still miss cooking! Hahaha so I made a shake and cooked for Amor. Cooking brights up my day even more. I don't miss eating, I think I mostly miss the smell of food lol so I am constantly asking Amor if I can smell his food lol

There is still A LOT of energy moving throughout my being. Last night, it was such a quest to sleep; my neck kept adjusting and releasing things, which is great. It's been doing that way more lately... I'm sure it has something to do with the fast.

Anyways! That's it for today!

Let's see how tomorrow goes!


Monday June 10th 2019

Water Fasting Day 7th

Last night, I couldn't sleep. I went to bed tired, yet I woke up at 2am wide awake trying to fall back asleep, but I couldn't, so I opted for talking to one of my lovely friends that is in the Phillipines. Amor's alarm rang at 6.30am and that is the moment where I fell asleep for 2 or 3 hours. The interesting thing is that when I woke up, I had SO much energy.

I got my moon last night and I was a little worried to continue with the fast... that's just me because this is the first time I've done a fast this long for the right reasons. Luckily, we have our friend Google, so it told me that is ok.

I heard my mind at one moment saying:

"Have a shake!"

I truly laughed and said:

"Shut up! We've been fasting for 7 days! That's not safe AT ALL!"


I do have to admit that is quite fascinating to watch what happens in my being through the process and I am actually enjoying it. The one thing I am a bit nervous about, is the re-introducing food to my body, even though I know what to eat. The fact that I am not hungry at all, makes me feel funky about it.

SOOOO... things changed a bit during the afternoon... hahaha

I had a little meltdown.

All my senses are WAY sharper and that got to me, especially all the noises around...
all the construction, all the loud talking, all the fireworks, just drove me nuts. I began to get irritated and then sad.

I'm gonna be completely honest... it made me sad because I miss being comfortable and I feel so uncomfortable being here. I don't like being cold, I don't appreciate seeing the streets so dirty and how loud it is around. Yet at the same time I know, this is probably me blocking something I need to see and release.

So my mind went to... thank God I will be in the States next month, seeing family, friends, puppies and being warm... I know... this is not being in the present moment. However, all these thoughts became SOO much, I was in bed for a lot of hours listening to music that releases serotonin so I could feel calmer. And then my guides began to speak and give me insights on what was going on with me.

I was born and raised in Lima. Although I did have an amazing time growing up, there were things about it that made me super uncomfortable and that I didn't belong there... which were the loudness of the city, how people sometimes don't have awareness and throw trash on the streets, how nasty men are... all the noises in Cusco, were taking me back to my childhood and freaking me out, which is what needed to come out of me to be free from it.

Crazy... incredibly crazy beautiful what happens within us... and there I was freaking out blaming it in this beautiful city.


Oh well... live and learn!

Tuesday June 11 2019

Water Fasting Day 8th

Today, I was super duper close to end the fast.

Amor and I walked to a Chifa (Peruvian Chinese food place), so he could get some food. The walk there was as normal as it's been since the first days of the fast: I walked slow and was in awe because even though things seem the same, they are super bright. However, the way back home was completely different.

First, let me tell you that this restaurant is super close to home. We have walked these four blocks many times, so it's not like we had walked for hours to get there.

We begin to walk and I was even slower than before. My vision got somewhat blurry, my back was aching more, my breathing was intensely shallow and my heart rate was increasing with every step I took.

I freaked out.

It took me back to when I was super anorexic and super anemic. There was a point in my life where this had happened for lack of nutrition and for self abuse.



This is not happening

I had promised myself that if at any time during the fast, my being was in danger, whether is a tiny tiny amount or more, I was gonna stop.

I had this in my mind as we walked home. I guess I looked really worried because Amor asked me if I was ok...



I wasn't

I truly just wanted to lay down.

I didn't wanna walk.

I wanted to lay down on the street and let the feeling pass.

It felt like forever walking home and going up the stairs to our apartment. I was super worried and I knew I had to lay down, to relax.

Luckily, I made it to the bed and my guides began to channel some energy to me. They also explained what was going on.

All those years of self abuse, all those years of malnutrition, were still rooted in my physical body, emotional body and energetic body. All this was coming out as I was walking back home.

ALL of it.

They guided me to relax and breathe. I began to think that of course it wasn't going to be fun for all those years to fully come out of me. It all made sense. Yet, I was still hesitant, but again, I trust fully my Guides and they gave me the choice to stop if I wanted to or to continue.

Regardless, I was gonna be fine.

There was a BIG shift later on the day and what made it happened was Amor and I facilitating innerdance (an energetic soundhealing journey).

I realized that I am WAY more sensitive than I was last week and tuning into the person that was going through the journey was like second nature. As I saw her body moving and her expressions, I saw and felt that life itself, the totality of life, was waking up within her.

This almost put me in tears (actually, it did), witnessing the process, being so grateful for her coming to the sessions every week and feeling so humble.

So humble because at times we believe we are just this physical body, but in reality, we are life itself. We are the totality of the Universe and existence. We are beyond who we think we are. And to see that waking up within a very dear friend of mine, to see that light breaking through the barriers... it's such a miracle, such a


And I am beyond grateful. For the awareness, for the experience, for myself, for all of us, because we... ALL of US are


Wednesday June 12 2019

Water Fasting Day 9th

Water fasting day 9!!!




SOO... I slept SOOO good last night! Honestly after not being able to sleep for 2 nights, I've gotten the best rest yet!

I guess my body needed it!

Today, while I was doing my morning Sadhana, even though the construction was still happening and loud, it wasn't a big deal! As a matter of fact, I said to myself

"If I can meditated through this, I can meditate through anything!"

My arms moved again and began to do Mudras. This hasn't happened since the fast. Mami Aya told me that Mudras are part of my powers and to listen to my body since it will guide me.

So I did

It was beautiful!

Then we had to run some errands and it was great! I felt so happy like a kid... it might also be because the package we ordered like 2 months ago is finally being released from customs! 😂😂 ... be aware that in this country (Perú) you need a prescription to order Almond flour and Coconut oil....


yes I know... silliness!


But anyways, my mood is WAY better than yesterday morning and I am super duper excited that tomorrow is the last day and I made it!!

Also, I am looking into what exactly I need to give my body on Friday so it doesn't go into shock... unless I channel Usui and eat a HUUUGE meal and nothing happens!


My bestie Ali aka Unitwin, sent me some Reiki this morning... I guess I worried her with yesterday's post!


But again... I would've done the same thing for her!

My face is SUPER clear and soft!! Like a bebe's butt! 🤗 hahaha I remember, during the first days of the fast, my face started to break out on different spots and of course it didn't make me feel any better. But right meow, it truly is clean and clear and the softest it has ever been!

I am extremely proud of myself for not quitting yesterday and for feeling even better than ever! I remember day 2 ... holy shit. It felt like it was miles away and I truly thought it was gonna be the most difficult thing in my life, but just like my Guides said, it wasn't. Of course at times I had my moments but I also know how to "control" them and what tools to do when things like that arrive. In other words, let me say it again:



What a change!

I am having so much compassion for myself and more unconditional love. Although it was easy, when I struggled, I kept thinking about the benefits of the fast and of course my Guides were always here for me and with me, telling me exactly what was going on.

Amor told me yesterday when I almost quit, that most people don't hear their guides like I do... I have such an AMAZING team behind the scenes guiding me, explaining to me the difficult times and supporting me, which is completely magical. Without their explanation of what was happening that day, I probably would have quit!

So, Guides:

"I completely love you all and I am super duper grateful!"


I walked quite a lot today, of course slow, but it was nothing like yesterday. Amor and I went to a coffee shop to get something and then I stayed there journaling and working on The Art of Perseverance. This book is the continuation of The Artist's Way, which I COMPLETELY recommend!

When I was done, I walked even more to pick up some food for Amor and take it home to make him a chicken omelette, which I was super excited about, because:



Yes, I am Plant Based, but we cannot force others to change their diet, so I don't. If something makes Amor happy, it makes him happy and period. Although, he shredded the chicken because I don't like touching it... I guess that's fair. 😜

Anyways, today has been great! Maybe it has something to do with the fact that tomorrow is the last day and on Friday I can have some palta aka avocado!!



Truly, the past days have made me feel more grateful for myself. Yes, I had moments during the day that I needed to lay down to support my back, but even in those moments, I was super duper grateful!

I love the fact that my skin is super clear; yes I have lost weight and I am also deep in ketosis!

I am truly excited to re-introduce food to my body gently and see how the process continues because it doesn't just end at the 10th day.

This journey has made appreciate more my physical body and my entire being as a whole and also... the power that we have to heal ourselves!


Tomorrow, I will share about the last day and probably throw a party!



Thursday June 13 2019

Water Fasting day 10!!!

Today is the last day of the fast!!!

Yes, I am BEYOND excited that today is the last day, and not only because I get to have palta and light juice tomorrow, but because:



As my guides said,

"It's not gonna be bad"

Yes it wasn't.

I did have my moments but I have also learned SOO much about myself throughout them.

There is still A LOT of energy moving in my back. Things adjusting, and there is still a lot of healing happening in my being which is



I'm still in AWE!

One thing I forgot to mention, is that my moon, was the smoothest, caring, pain and cramp free of ALL this life! Which is


As I said yesterday, I'm excited to eat slowly and with care, knowing that my body is still in this beautiful healing process.

What miracles our bodies and beings are!


Today was such a WONDERFUL day. I still had to rest my back at times, I still had to walk slow at times, but I am here and I am SOOO glad I did it!

Some friends said, go for 2 weeks! My answer was:


Perhaps another time, but this time I was guided for 10 days and here I am!

I am truly excited for the next days and honestly ... for life itself.

I've learned to listen deeper to my being. I've understood what works well for it and what doesn't and I have learned my lesson with gluten!
