What is Alchemy?

We hear so much about energy work, and perhaps you are very familiar with. However, not most have heard the word Alchemy in this kind of work. Let me introduce this term to you, in the way that I have learned it and experience it.

At the beginning of an Energy Work Practice, it is generally taught to use your hands as the point of transfer from Source into someone else’s being. However, the space in between, I believe is the most important one. In this space, is where the transformation actually happens, the Alchemy.

Most of us grew up with the illusion the space in between your physical body and for example a table is empty, but in reality there is so much information being transferred in that space. Let’s go back to the energy work:

Imagine, I am holding space for you and we are sitting across from each other. There is my physical body, yours and the “emptiness” in between our physicalities. As a Channel of Divine Energy, I begin to tune in, to get out of the way so you receive what you are meant to receive. Now, I am just a portal, no personal consciousness, no woman, no daughter, no space holder, just a powerful channel.

As you sit in front of this portal, the intelligence of your body and being already knew exactly what it needed in order to grow, in order to remember itself deeper. It is because of this knowledge the shift happens within you. However, it doesn’t start within your system, but in the space between my physical body and yours. Go back to me being the portal. The energy comes through this portal and it is meeting the energies from your being (the wise energies that know exactly what change must take place) in this in between. When they meet, they begin to merge, elevating the vibrations of your energies that met up the channeled ones. Once this fusion is complete, your new elevated energies begin to move towards your being; this is where the process of acceptance, release, and integration fully takes place.

This is Alchemy:

It is the process of merging Divine Energy with your true essence which aids remembrance.

As an Alchemist, I am in the Portal, in the in between and in your system to make sure the process is going as smoothly as possible. I shapeshift from one form to the next, to no form back an forth as I hold space for you. Of course, this process takes place when you, the one receiving is fully open and surrenders to its transformation, as this is not about me, but you and your journey.

About my work

The work I do is a melange of wisdom acquire by studying, teacher trainings, immersions, retreats, as well as wisdom acquired through my own experience and the wisdom that channels through me. I use these tools together as I believe together, they are more powerful, and what you receive can heighten more your senses than if I were to separate them. However, I do have sessions that particularly use less techniques if one is looking for a particular guidance. For example, if you want to know what is happening in your energetic bodies only, we’d do an energy reading where I use mediation, light language, visualization, channeling and Divine Vision to share with you what is being seen.

You can find out more about the Channeled Offerings by clicking here.