You are worthy of Your Power!

As women, we have the ability to tap into our energies even more using the Portal of the Moon. This not only cleanses your energetic channels to remember and embrace your power, but also connects you with your ancestors and the love of the Earth.

Join me during these powerful Portal Days and let’s continue to embrace and remember our power in Sisterhood.

NOTE: We will gather in June for a Summer Solstice Celebration instead of the Full Moon

Summer Solstice Healing & Activation Circle

The longest day of the year is coming. We feel the brightness of light and the joy of the Sun.

Join me on Saturday June 15th for a Healing & Activation Circle to tap in deeper to your Spirit and let go of the shadows that have been pulling you down.


  • 10 am Gathering & Opening up Sacred Space

  • 10.30 am Illuminating our Light Ceremony

  • 11 am Cacao Ceremony - Honoring the Wisdom of the Earth

  • 11.30am Somatic Breath Practice & Sound Healing - Cleansing the Vessel

  • 12.15pm Sacred Practice of the Woman

  • 1.15pm Closing Circle

Energy Exchange: $60 per person

Join me for this Special Healing Circle as we honor our light

Your Facilitator

Rukmani Kaur

Alchemist & Wisdom Keeper

Rukmani was born and raised in Lima, Perú. Her lineage comes from both the indigenous communities of her Mother Land (Rainforest area and Center Mountain Range) as well as from Spain. As a kid, teenager and young adult, she suffered from depression, anxiety, self-destructive patters as well as bulimia, anorexia and self-distorted image. When these energies became too much for her, she entered a deep depression where she had massive suicidal tendencies. In the darkest space of her being after trying to commit suicide her light ignited in the form of a phrase,

“There’s gotta be more to life than suffering.”

This curiosity was the turning point in her journey. Life became a flow of wisdom through different teachers and experiences. She was so hungry to know what she was that she took different kinds of trainings : Yoga, Breath work, Meditation, Sound Healing, Reiki, Space Holder, etc, leading her to wisdom of her Ancestors and her Soul through a Kundalini Awakening. From there on, she surrendered to her channeling abilities and dedicated her life to help empower other sisters around the world.

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