
Meditation is seen as a practice, however it is a way of being. There is a practice to get you in the perfect state to listen to your being, which humans confuse that with Meditation.

So, what is meditation?

Is the complete state of awareness where time and space collapse. There is no longer you, or I, or us, there is only That Which Is. In this space you are able to tune in to the higher vibrations of life in order to receive messages from your soul. In order to reach this space of awareness, energy must be moved. The reason is simple, so your mind can step out of the way and your soul can lead. Your soul is the part of you that will connect with the bigger essence of life. Before that can happen, you mind must be able to relax to the point that the inner chatter no longer exists; therefore being in the state of being.

Practices that aid you to get into this space:

  • Pranayama - Breathwork

  • Yoga Asana - Conscious merging of physical movement and breath

  • Dance/Movement - Allows stagnant energy to move

  • Singing/Chanting - Opens up the space for the Soul to sing

One of the practices that merges all of the above is Kundalini Yoga.

Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini Yoga is known as the Yoga of Awareness. Every part of the practice has a purpose leading to a bigger purpose which is Meditation. There are so many definitions of this type of yoga; I will share my own:

Kundalini Yoga consciously works with all the elements. We are the union of all of them. If one element is out of balance, there is a part of us that is screaming for attention in order to go back into union with the rest. This is what this yoga practice does very well. Every class has the following components:

  • Tierra - Earth Element: Conscious Movement of the body

    • Different movements in order to release tension stored in the physical body.

  • Aire - Air Element: Conscious Breath work

    • Cleansing the energetic channels in order to open up more space for you energy to flow.

  • Agua - Water Element: Tuning into your emotions

    • Emotions that have been pushed to the side rise up by all the opening created using the rest of the elements.

  • Fuego - Fire Element: Connecting with your Soul

    • The practice opens up a portal to feel a deeper connection with your Soul.

  • Étero - Ether Element: Meditation

    • By using consciously the elements above: calming the mind, relaxing the physical body, cleansing the emotions, and connecting with the Soul, the Meditative space is easily accessed.

The conscious work with all the elements has a very important impact in all your system: it relaxes you, helps you let go of control, opens up the space of trust, opens up the space to live from the Heart, and it wakes up the Meditative space within you which can be accessed any time throughout the day. In other words, Kundalini yoga is a conscious tool that not only improves the inner world but also the outer world. This is why it is called the Yoga of Awareness.

Your daily Spiritual Practice is called Sadhana. For more information about it click here.