The Green Heart

September 15 - 21

Sacred Valley, Cusco, Perú

It is such an honor, to welcome you to my homeland where so much richness has lived for thousands for years. Where big shifts of Consciousnes happens because of the pureness of the land and the civilizations that once occupied that part of our Mother Earth.

It is an honor to introduce you or to deepen your connection with innerdance. A soundscape that has been guiding me so deeply in my own Spiritual Awakening Journey.

The Green Heart Retreat is a collaboration between me and my dear sister Serena, who is the mastermind behind the innerdance music. Serena has been one of my biggest teachers and mentors in this Awakening Journey. I am so honored to Co-Create this space with her and with you as well.

Read more about the Retreat by clicking here. You will see the schedule and what it is included in the price.

Early Bird Price ends on April 15th.