

💜 Meditation 💜

How do you connect with your Higher Self, with the Divine, with Humanity, with our Pachamamita, with other beings?

When I first started my Meditation practice, it was all to make me chill a bit. I felt very edgy A LOT, with thoughts constantly coming into my mind and over thinking like no other. So my Meditation practice was to pause all that just for a bit, even for a minute. The more I continued with it, the longer that pause became and slowly but surely I was seeing and feeling glimpses of my truth... a little bit of that inner peace that we all have within. 
That became my goal, to meditate and feel that peace again, so I wouldn't forget. When the chatter stopped, it became more about connecting to ME, to the Source, to Infinity and beyond (Buzz Lightyear style 😉😁). To connect with my Higher Self, with Pachamama, with The Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters, Guides, to remember that I am never alone.

AND then my practice became part of me, my lifestyle. There are so many beautiful things that happen during meditation. The more you do it, the more your thoughts don't control you, the more you tune into the reality of your being, the strength, the power, the love and you become aware that YOU ARE IT ALL and NOTHING, all at the same time.

It doesn't have to be perfect, it is a practice. Some days it might feel easier than others and that's ok. Some days you might be able to stay there for hours. The point is to do it and experience the beauty of YOU.

In a world that seems so chaotic at times, be the light that stands solid against all odds. Spread and shine your light so bright that even darkness will switch spots and come sit by you, becoming one with it all as well.

Blessings my sweet friends! 💜💜🌬🙏💨🦄