Self Love

Self Love can be one of the most challenging things, perhaps is because of all the conditioning we've had while growing up, the friendships we've had, the relationships we've been on, or what other have told us about ourselves. 

The most important thing to remember is that only YOU know the truth about yourself. Others can say whatever they choose, but when you know your truth, whatever others say, no longer affects you. So how do you get to that point? 

First, accepting yourself fully, no judgements about what already happened, just acceptance. Accept not only what you think is great about you, but also what you think is not and what you think is "wrong" with you. The latter is the one thing that keeps us stuck. When we think that there is something wrong with us, is because of a comparison we have done with others, whether is something about your physicality, or your innerself, and also, what we have believed of what others have said about us.

Know that the way you are, in the entirety of your being is for a reason. You look like you do, you feel like you feel, you act like you do for a reason. 

Write down everything you no longer what to feel like, write it all, break that page into pieces and burn it. Watch it burn it to completion and feel the release of whatever was inside that was preventing you from feeling your truth.

If you think there is something else, say outloud how much you love that about yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and observe, observe the beauty that comes through your physical eyes, observe the life and the Universe that lives through you. Observe YOU and love EVERYTHING that you are looking at. One last thing:


Sometimes we get stuck in the past bc we wanted to do something else and we didn't. Let it go, it's already gone. Be present in your life, so you continue to evolve and grow rather than being stuck behind. 



It's time for you to start acting like it! 

So much love and blessings! 😚💜💨🙏🦄🌬