
The past is in the past meow. There is nothing anyone can do about it. What we can do is learn from it and release it sending it love.

Things, emotions, situations, will continue to come up in different ways to bring attention to something you haven't before, so the cycle stops and doesn't continue to show up in your life. Sometimes we can get so caught up into what's happening that we don't pay attention to the situation, getting involved with just our feelings. 

Feelings are truly beautiful. Allow yourself to feel them all, without judging, just care. But if there is something that continues to repeat itself and you find yourself saying again?! , start to look at it from another perspective; where you can see it for what it is rather than being attached to the feelings it's bringing. What about that situation keeps coming back? What do you need to bring awareness to In order to stop it from coming up again? 

Perhaps is a lesson... pretty often is a lesson... It's something from within yourself, showing up in front of your physical eyes for healing.

I used to fight those emotions, those situations and ignored them. Because, it's not quite easy seeing something and understanding it's you not them. When the true awareness came into realization, I understood and allowed myself to see. Not for anybody else, but for ME. So more suffering doesn't occur, so I can continue to grow, learn and share those learning experience with everyone I can.

Love yourself so much, to the point you break down the wall in between who you think you are and who you truly are. 

That was the moment I became ME. 

Blessings and Love! 💖💖🦄😘💞💖

#Inspiration #Life #Love #Care #potd#Cloudysworld