You are a miracle

Sometimes, life will throw curveballs. It's through those curveballs that you will continue to grow and evolve. Yes, they might hurt, but they do because as human beings we have this tendency to hold on to things, people, relationships, and whatever else comes in this category. It is the resistance that brings the pain and suffering; the resistance to change.
Evolution. As beings, we will continue to evolve, so what we tend to fight is the evolution of ourselves. While the trueself is screaming to come out to fully enjoy life in alignment and union with the self of this moment. 

It can be scary to take the Leap of faith. However, what are you scared of, when your identity, your truth is immortal? Our physical bodies might decay, but we don't. We have an eternity to enjoy and do whatever we want and crave. This life is just a short period of time, a tiny tiny fraction of the eternity of our beings. So enjoy life, don't fight it anymore. Let your truth come out and play. Give that little girl or little boy that is screaming to get out a chance to enjoy the beauty of being alive in this planet at this moment in time.

Remember, you CHOSE to come here, not to be scared of your truth, but to do something so great. Words aren't enough to express the beauty and the strength you carry within.

It's time to start to fully believe. Let it go, whatever happened is already in the past; you can't change that anymore, but what you can change, is the way you see your life, yourself and this world. Start truly seeing and realize what a miracle you are. Realize that your potential to do what your soul craves is unlimited. Unleash it all, let go of the past and start to truly be YOU. The you that so many others are waiting to see, that you, that YOU are waiting to see.

The choice is yours. What will you do?


Much love and unlimited blessings!

#Miracle #Inspiration #ItsTime #LetGo #Potd#Cloudysworld