A Gift for Paige - Burning Man 2018


It was Thursday night. Matt, Jeff, Tyler and I were at the Playa, at the LED Poles. There was this ADORABLE girl, whom was SOOO in AWE at them. Her expressions were out of this world. I could tell she was in such a great space and enjoying life at the moment.

Someone next to her heard her expressions and gave her some glasses to see things different, perhaps distorted "OMG OMG OMG"  so grateful she was.

I kept watching her, I couldn't take my eyes off her. Plus I had already felt it, to give her a gift,  the gift of channeling.

I waited till she was done with the glasses and for the other people to move away from her and approached her. I said to her "Girl, you're so beautiful" gently touching her arm. She turned around with such a beautiful and in shock smile and hugged me. I guess I didn't hugged her strong enough and she said "No. You gotta hugged me back" LOL

I said to her " I'd like to gift you something, if that's ok" sure. Ya. Thoughtful. I asked her if she minded being on her knees or sitting down. Sure, she said. "What is it that you are looking for in life?" I asked. hahaha such a broad question she said. We both laughed. I told her what I was about to do. To channel from Source and whatever she needed at the moment she will receive. "You don't have to tell me" I said. Oh, ok."Close your eyes. Go to your heart space, breathe and relax"

I began to channel, holding her left hand as she is a righty. The Universe within her was shown to her and the explosion of her, being IT ALL. My fingers moved to her forearm and back to her palm, opening a little hole to release what needed to be released and opening her palm chakra a bit more. Then I sang to her, telling her how incredibly beautiful she is. How her life is perfect and it will continue to be. All she needed was to trust and trust and trust. She squeezed my hand.

When it was done, I opened my eyes and waited for her to open hers, smiling. When she opened her eyes, she smiled and I knew, what she had felt and seen was what she was waiting for. She said "From now on, I will connect with my heart ALL the time" Something had shifted in her. Thank You Source.

I hugged her and told her she has such a beautiful energy. "OH my God" he said and we hugged again.

What's your name? Paige and yours? Claudia. Hablas español? Si. Mucho gusto. Mucho gusto!! 

We stood up. Continuing to give each other hugs. "Wow Claudia, WOW" she said to me.
I hugged her again and said "Happy Burn" "Happy Burn. Yes ok!" She replied.

I moved away after another hug and blowed her a kiss.