The Healing Powers of Nature

SOOOO... we see A LOT of happy posts everyday, which is amazing, which brightens up our days. However, life is not always butterflies and rainbows (although YES! ALWAYS Unicorns! 😉), but sometimes it's hard to share such things, because then our vulnerability gets put on the spot light... BUT we ARE human beings and the not so happy emotions are part of our Nature and equally as beautiful!

Allow me to share 😊

I had a little meltdown yesterday morning and by little, I mean a HUUUGE one. It was all triggered by something that had triggered me (so much triggers! 😂😂) the night before, which was not addressed and continued in the morning. At the beginning, I didn't know it was there, until it was coming out in my morning pages.

I decided to go outside to the balcony, look at the tree and talk to it... I began to cry uncontrollably, BUT being Nature SOOO freaking amazing, I was shown the connectivity of ALL trees and how by connecting with one anywhere in the world, I can connect to the one, I hugged every single morning in Las Vegas, the one my yoga trapeze hanged from, the one beautiful being in the backyard which I've been missing so deeply much. As crazy as it might sound, I started to talk to it and I felt the energy that it was sending me through the tree I was staring at.

After doing some Inner Dance, which stirred SOOOOO much shit up and I was still crying like a child, I heard the tree say to me "Now come downstairs and hug me." Dont gotta tell me twice to hug a tree LOL so I did.

I walked out of the condo with bare feet, with tears running down my face, walked towards and hugged it. This is when magic happened! I immediately felt my heart being healed. I immediately felt a sensation of ease all over my being. I immediately felt the unconditional love of Nature being transferred to me through that one tree and immediately I could breathe again.

It's quite fascinating... all the miracles and the magic that can happen to us, if we allowed them to, if we believe in them, after all... it's said very clearly in Alice and Wonderland:

"You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants a magical solution to their problems, and everyone refuses to believe in magic"
