An Inner Dialogue

There come times in our life when life itself as we might perceive it, doesn't seem to be enough.

Is it truly not enough? Or is it an askew perception of what life truly is?

What if life itself is the most perfect representation of an unconditional love the greatest "being" is giving birth to?

What if life is being moved by That Which Is?

What if life is a constant movement of the perfection of a wave that shifts as it becomes more aware of itself?

What if thinking and perhaps feeling that life is not enough, opens up the space for life itself to be experienced in a way that is utterly perfect?

So here comes the thoughts.

The thoughts of an aware being that continuously opened up the space to be constantly aware as the shifts increased day by day.

When I was younger, I often felt completely different, in the sense that someone could possibly understand me. So I chose to hide, to hide in the depth of the uncertainty that was growing within.

I didn't realize how so not different I was until I ran away from my partner at the time, my family, my friends and the city I had called home for so many years. Asia for sure showed me that although I had been different in some extend, I was also equally as similar to some that had felt the exact same thing pretty much all their lives.

This was the moment that shifted A LOT of things. I had felt at home in so many ways before, but there was something unlike this feeling of home that I hadn't felt before.

I want to share something with you and please open up your minds and your heart in ways that perhaps you haven't done before, especially if you have "known" me personally for a while.

Although I had been living my life in what I called truth, I truly hadn't. No, it's not that I wasn't faking it, I honestly thought the one running the show was me, my true identity. However. The more I grew, the more I realized how something completely different than the actual ME, had been living MY life ... up until recently.

In Asia, in Thailand and The Philippines, I met extraordinary people. People that spoke like me, people that at times didn't need to speak, yet the conversation was still flowing. There was something beyond the spoken words, something in the space in between words and in the silence.

People that have done the work I was going through and I'm going through and can say "Oh ya, I went through that as well," making it seem like, it's "normal;" part of the process. Hearing such words made me think,

"Thank God. I guess I am not crazy nor I ever was!"

Can you picture the relieve I sensed? After so many years thinking that I was some kind of alien in this Planet. 😂😂😂

Following one's heart's desire is not as simple as eating a piece of cake ... well ok... that perhaps is not as easy either! 😜😂 but if we wanna talk about it ....

How many codes have been engraved in our systems? How many programmings since before we even know when existence truly began or what that word actually means? What is stored in our cells and DNA that prevent us and make it challenging to discover the greatness that is inside us all?

Wow... some deep questions.


They truly are!

These are questions that pop in my mind as I see processes dissolve right in front of my eyes. Questions that would have appeared in a different manner if I hadn't met "my tribe" in Asia.

When someone tells you,

"Welcome home dear"

And your entire being tingles, you KNOW you have found home and the longing for it stops. Because you just know.

How did it all begin?

As I said, I ran away. Do most people ran away or they choose to stay?

I can't comment about others, but I can about this system; the system I call my own.

It reached a point where it needed to explore and not explore the world (it just came with it, which I am super grateful for it), but explore itself and find itself through such exploration.

It began to think,

"There must be something "else" there"

As the call to go back to Asia was so strong. There was such a magnetic pull that could not be ignored. So it chose itself.

It chose to allow its essence to guide and float in the pool of rivers that will lead it to the ones whom had been waiting for it.

It chose to flow with what we call life.

Was it easy?

Hell no, it wasn't easy. At times, it's still not easy, yet it understands.

It understands that codes are being re-discovered and broken. It understands that its TRUE essence is coming forth and guiding every step of the way if allowed. It also understands that at times the same codes that are being broken can seem to take charge if loosing the sight of things.

So where does the balance come from?

In this system, the balance comes from trusting there is nothing broken within, but in such a perfection as things are coming to the surface bringing more awareness.

The balance comes from knowing and seeing even if it was only for a split second where it came from and why it chose to come here.

The balance comes from accessing the space in between and traveling throughout the night to places that are thought to be imaginary.

The balance comes from that unconditional love that goes beyond what those two words convey; a love which moves it all.

The balance from knowing that you and me and everybody else, although seem to think are experiencing something completely different, in reality aren't.

The knowing that in a space where everything gets moved with such care and something beyond love, separation doesn't exists and in that space creation gets dissolved to its specific point: