My Vegan Way

Mothership Coffee Roasters

I have to be really honest, I am not a fan of big corporation coffee shops, sometimes they make me uncomfortable, so when I find a local coffee shop, I get really excited. Mothership coffee Roasters, located on Sunset rd and Green Valley Parkway, is so chill, has a great atmosphere, people are nice, friendly AND they have vegan options!! #Yayness
I don't drink coffee, but according to comments of others, its an amazing coffee! The Nitrogen brewed coffee is for you, if you want something strong to pick you up, but not bitter. The Macchiato, has a beautiful appearance, like they normally do, very tasty as well and it comes with sparkling water to wash anything off. If you like dark beer, such as guineas,  they offer the barley coffeethat really tastes like one! I had a sip... not for me lol I went back to have a big sip of my tea! Haha
Given that I don't drink coffee, they only caffeine intake I get is from the teas I drink, and do they have yummy teas! I normally get the Jasmine tea with almond milk, and it's like having a garden within your mount! Today I decide to give another tea a chance, so I got a Matcha green tea with almond milk and a bit of natural sweetener. It was delish too, however, I prefer having a garden within me lol.
Let's talk about their food! They offer a Vegan breakfast pocket. The first time I saw it, although it looked so good, I hesitated because of the vegan eggs. I don't normally eatprocessed foods, but I was also limiting myself. Today, I ordered one, second time I had it. They warmed it up for me and brought it to the table.... heavenly! I do have to admit that I am a sucker for anything with dough LOL! And it reminded me of an empanada that somehow the vegan version is hard to come around because of the egg coating on top. So, vegan eggs, potatoes, shrooms and veggies! #MiamMiam!!! So filling too, I had a semi difficult time finishing it lol
They also offer a fig galette, that I decided to take to go, since I knew I was going to be full... yet it was gone while I was there Hahaha if you like figs, this is for you! However, there is another taste in it, perhaps some blueberry to have the texture it has. Nonetheless, delish!
If you're looking for a good place to chill, people watch, enjoy a good cup of coffee or tea, and pair it with some yummy pastries, this is your place! Check it out! Cheers! <3

Nitrogen Brewed Coffee


Vegan Breakfast Pocket and Matcha Green Tea

Vegan Breakfast Pocket

Vegan Breakfast Pocket

Jasmine Tea

Fig Galette

Vegan Burger out of Indian Food Leftovers ;)

August 3, 2016

YES! You read right ! Lol let's be honest, how many times do we go out to eat, have leftovers and then perhaps they just sit in the fridge or you just eat them like you would normally eat them at the restaurant? I do have to say, it wasn't my idea, unfortunately haha, but meow (now), I will make more dishes with leftovers. 
So, it all started with mushrooms, or how I like to call them shrooms. Sauté shrooms that were added to the left overs of the mushroom masala from the night before, cooked a Vegan burger patty separately and while it was all cooking, a French baguette donated to RYK, a yoga studio in town, by the French bakery next door, was being toasted in the oven, topped with vegan cheese. When everything was ready, the assembly of this deliciousness started! Bottom of the bread, vegan burger, sauté shroom concoction on top and top of bread! YES! AMAZEBALLZ!! =)


Vegan Breakfast for dinner!

August 5, 2016

So the first thing I gotta say, or ask, I should say... who in the world said that pancakes are breakfast food?! I eat pancakes whenever I want, breakfast, lunch or dinner; it just depends on my mood.
I had breakfast in my mind, given that I didn't have breakfast today (woke up a bit sick and had definitely missed breakfast time ). I knew I had some vegan pancake mix, some potatoes and onions lol so I made it work. I decided to grate a potato super fine and make a potato omelette. When I opened the fridge to grab all the ingredients I saw a Vegan taco meal I had bought to try it out (I normally don't get these kinds of things, but since it was non gmo and most ingredients were organic, I decided to give it a chance... and I am so glad I did!). So my dinner menu was potato omelette with sauté onions, vegan taco meat, vegan cheese, topped with avocado and blueberry pancakes, made with Almond Coconut milk. #MiamMiam totally delish!! And super easy to make! It made my belly very happy!

Dinner is served! =)

Potato Omelette


Firefly's Vegan Lunch Menu Party

Thursday August 4, 2016

I remember reading the invitation on Facebook and being like WHHHAAAAATT?!?! Thank you Lord for this!!! Lol I loved Firefly so much before becoming a Vegan, somehow I stopped going, and to be honest I am not sure if they had some kind of vegan options before. However, I was more than ready to go try this deliciousness! 
The launch was from 6-8pm. After I was done teaching at 6.30pm, I drove there and I was surprised how packed it was!! I couldn't find a place to park, but lucky for me, my car is tiny and the helpful valet guy found a stop for Grigino, my mini's name! 
As I walked in, I realized, it wasn't as busy as I expected... i was looking at the wrong room lol then I see my friend Erica waving at me, and I headed towards the back room. Holy cow! SOOOO busy it was great! I hadn't seen so many vegans since I changed my diet, February of this year! It made me super excited! I connected with beautiful souls and saw a few friends there. It was great! 
Alright, let's talk about the menu! I wasn't able to try them all, since I got there an hour after it started, BUT let me tell you, about the ones I did try! 
- Tomato bread... who doesn't like bread? Haha it reminded me of Bruschetta, the tomatoes melted in my mouth and the bread was crunchy enough to add texture to every bite.
- Artichoke toast... so I saw it and the first thing I thought was... I'm gonna have some issues eating this thing lol however I didn't. I love me some artichoke AND bread! So best of both worlds! I did take a picture, however I didn't realized it was blurry, until I saw the pics before I started writing the blog ... wah wah wah haha
- Firefly Fries... YES PLEASE! ALL DAY LONG!!! They don't need a description, let's be honest!
- Lentil stuffed piquillo peppers ... such a beautiful plate! I had a hard time trying to eat it lol might've been because I didn't have a knife or perhaps I was just being a baby lol nonetheless... totally delish!
- Ok... my favorite part of ANY meal: #Dessert ! Apple and cherry empanadas! Let me just say, that I wish I had eaten more of these! Haha BOMB! in my opinion, enough said! (... call Ed! Lol if you live in Vegas, you know what I am talking about
Greatest thing about it... free sangria and mojitos! Thank YOU Lord ! Haha
I had so much fun mingling, talking to friends, making new friends and most importantly, my heart and soul where so happy to see how some restaurants are catering for the vegan community as well! 

Sat Nam and Namaste! 

Tomato Bread

Lentil Stuffed Piquillo Pepper

Apple and cherry Empanada