
Awakening Process

Monday May 20th 2019
Qosqo, Perú

Good Morning! 😊💖

Wow, yesterday was a day! Ha ha but beautiful anyway. At least I wrote down the descriptions for my channeled Therapies and Guidance! Lol #Yayness

But honestly, I was super tired, not physically, or maybe yes... I think it was a combination of everything.

It all began with the innerdance workshop... to be in the center and allowing people to see my intense process and then … Marie's facilitation. I do have to give her thanks again, because wow! What a release!

Here is where my question comes. A lot of times... it's become part of my everyday life... I hear when someone is thinking about me, their thoughts; I feel their feelings and I even see what they are seeing... the last latter not as much, but the others do happen quite often. The thing is that I sometimes feel that I am invading their privacy of the ones I feel, but then I realize that of course is not like that. The fact that I hear them is because they have opened themselves up and have given me permission to listen to them.

The question is... is that part of my powers? Is that part of awakening? Of my third eye? Higher Self, Divinity, could you please explain to me more about this? Because it is a quite crazy awesome magic trick lol.

“Ok. Begin to write.

When someone begins to wake up, everything within the being begins to change, the vibration, the energetic body, the molecular structure, the physical body. In other words, the being as a whole is adapting itself to the new energetic structure and the changes. Depending on how one has lived their "prior" life, it can be subtle or intense, and also the intensity is defined by the link that one has with previous lifetimes, which one had to bring to this current life to have the awareness of such.

That doesn't mean that it will always hurt, just that the being needs a potent fire to be able to wake up the deepest parts that have been truly asleep.

Therefore, when the fire ignites itself and begins to wake up the core of a being, it shouts little cords to different and all parts to wake them up. Like DNA. The connectivity gets activated and the internal connectivity of one's being is fully linked.

As all these molecules begin to connect, the awareness of someone begins to change. The being feels the subtle changes within and even at times it might think "That's weird" and goes on with what it’s believed to be "normal" life.

It is when the connections get strong that the changes within are felt in a deeper way and the physical body begins to morph following the real structure of the energetic connection.

If we look at the following chart 👉 Grab colors

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One molecule begins to break out of its shell to become


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Free from distractions.

It shoots the current awareness, the truth to the rest to wake them up


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And they begin to morph to the current awareness, freedom and the domino effect starts.


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And so on.
Until in one "area" they are all free of limited conditions. Therefore the awareness moves freely and the physical body feels the change and adapts itself to allow the awareness to flow throughout.


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And so on.
When the physical body begins to change, the linear pattern changes and from ALL angles things connect. So there is nothing that is not connected.

Now, going back to your question, when the center gets awakened and sends signals to the rest of the being, what you call chakras, begin to work properly.

Now. You begin to believe they work, but how they truly work... chakras are just cells that had awaken themselves, merged together to become these powerful spheres that send receptors to other parts of the being to help it wake up. As in

"HEY! Are you there? Wake up!"

Think about it like a phone call, and slowly other parts wake up. The stronger these spheres become, the faster other parts wake up.

And some wake up faster than others because the attention is sent to a specific point of the being more than to others.

Every part of a being corresponds to different "powers" or "abilities". So again, the more connectivity in the cellular level, the stronger these abilities become and when the connectivity fully flows throughout, there is no separation and EVERYTHING works in unison.

The reason why you are able to do that is because you are getting fully connected to the infinite fountain of awareness. The infinite connectivity as a whole which is the infinite connectivity of it all.

There is no separation among any beings and that is what you are experiencing.

It's not just that your third eye is open. It's because in a deeper level all the connectors are being connected to it all and you are experiencing the totality of beings and life itself.”


“And yes, it begins with the ones that you are deeply connected with in this so called reality because your being needs to grow in a way that makes sense to it. So it attaches itself to the known to get closer to the unknown. Makes sense?”


“So continue to trust. Things are there and you have arrived. Allow your physical body to connect deeper to these points and let it upgrade itself.

You will lead others to do the same.

You already are.”

Thank you so much 😊

“Yup! Anytime!
We love you and we are always here for you. 👉 Your Angel's and guides. We'll talk about that later “

(Who are you?)
I love you
I love you
I love you

“And us you “😊