
Light Language: Divine Activation

Light Language: Divine Activation

If you would have told me five years ago or even three years ago that I would be channeling a Light Language in what I call my future, I would have been like "Ah whaaaat?!" HA HA HA

Perceiving Love

Perceiving Love

… for me this is how I perceived love, as that was the love I grew up around and saw my entire life. However, does that mean THAT’S love? Highly unlikely. I am learning that what I perceive as love or even any other thing is not exactly how others see it. Which becomes such a shock in my system…

System Restoring : Letting Go Of An Identity

System Restoring : Letting Go Of An Identity

Releases truly know when to fully come out. I wonder at times if they are beings themselves and think “Oh! This is actually the perfect time to do so!” Meanwhile the human has no idea whatsoever what is about to happen. Funny. Funny indeed. I also feel that it doesn’t just begin there. Perhaps these beings had already communicated to the system to set up the release time and to make sure nobody else was around unless needed. YES. I TOTALLY believe that is the case. Let me explain why.

My Bestfriend - The Angel Who Helped Me Release Deep Traumas

My Bestfriend - The Angel Who Helped Me Release Deep Traumas

Sometimes, we don't realize how deep of a connection we have with others until something magical happens. So much gratitude for you my dear Puto. So much gratitude. 💜💜💞🙏

Aveces no nos damos cuenta de la conexión tan grande que tenemos con otros hasta que algo mágico sucede. Tengo tanta gratitude por ti mi querido Puto. Tanta súper gratitud. 💜💜💞🙏

The Mirror of Life - Always showing you the depth of your beauty

Last week, Amor and I returned from a truly intense yet beautiful experience : a 5 day Ayahuasca Retreat. For those who do not know what Ayahuasca is, it is a Master Plant. Indigenous people from the Amazon have been working with her for centuries; she shows you aspects of your darkness in a way that you can accept it, and “put your shit together.” 

We had known prior to coming to Colombia that such a retreat would be extremely powerful, however we could not have imagined its magnitude. I will not go into details of my entire experience.  Somehow, I believe that won’t be as helpful for you all as it was for me. The main reason is because, it was MY experience and you can imagine it all you want but until you experience it yourself, your imagination will not provide the benefits of sitting through an Ayahuasca journey and allowing the Mother to guide you through it.

What I will talk about is one of the things she showed me and told me; something I deeply believe we all need to hear perhaps more than once a week ... I know for myself, I needed to hear that way more often. That being said, let’s get to it, shall we?

It was our last ceremony and it was a morning one. I truly resonated so much with the Sun God and Mother Nature during these kinds of ceremonies. After receiving the medicine and sitting with her on the porch with the rest of what I can call now, my friends, I decided to go back to my little space in the garden, underneath two beautiful trees that had guided me so much during the first afternoon ceremony.

I was very surprised by my new strength in surrendering to the Mother and being able to stay present with my breath, rather than going into trances and allowing my own Kundalini energy to take over. As I sat with my feelings and gratitude for not going into the dark, yet still acknowledge it and loving it, the Mother began to talk to me:

“Life has always been showing you the beauty of your being”

Yet, I had never truly paid attention to that, as I had been stuck in being jealous of other’s beauty... external beauty. She showed me a memory that I remember way too well and it made me feel silly and laugh at myself. Here it is:

When I was young and still living in Lima, Peru, one of my best friends was a girl that had just moved from Italy with her family.  Her and her brother enrolled in Antonio Raimondi, the Italian school in Lima I was attending.

This girl was and still is extremely beautiful, in and out. However, since I was caught in my own shit of not feeling or seeing my own external beauty, I always envied her. It was almost like she was perfect ... and truly, we all are... everyone loved her.  She was funny, easy going and had a ginormous heart. I believed that being around her could make me popular (ego coming out), but I truly adored her. Somehow, she got me and we immediately clicked.

One time, she was invited to a party where my crush was going as well. Of course my jealous bar went super high up and I didn’t know what to do. 

YES, I wanted to go to the party.

YES, the fact that I wasn’t invited made me feel more ugly.

YES, I was super jealous of her for being the “new girl” at school and getting all the attention.

YES, my ego was furious.




I had come over and she was asking me for suggestions on what to wear. Ok... imagine my feelings. No, I didn’t want to help. As a matter of fact, I wanted her to look as hideous as possible... knowing... that wasn’t even an option, because there was no possible way she could ever be hideous.  She was gorgeous! 

So here is where my ego came out and fully began to run the show.

Instead of telling her which outfit she looked the best on, I opted for the one that wasn’t as cute. Of course, once again, it wasn’t that she didn’t look cute, the outfit I told her about wasn’t as sexy as the other one. My heart sunk. I knew what I had done to the one person I called my best friend.   To the one that I shared so many memories with and even got best friends charms... what in the world had I just said to her?!

However, never once did I take my word back. I let it be.

I remembered, going back home and feeling so shitty not only for my choice of words but also because I knew how much fun she was going to have while I sat at home feeling so sorry about myself. Oh youth!

As I watched the memory, her face, my reactions and feelings, the Mother spoke,

“She was mirroring to you your own beauty. It wasn’t that she was the only beautiful girl, she was trying to express and communicate to you how extraordinary the beauty of your own being is.”

I smiled and felt so silly. 

I felt so silly because of course she was showing me how beautiful I am, 


But having lived in such a society, remembering how much I had been made fun of for being fat and “not pretty,” not only from my family but also my so called friends; that was the only thing that was in my mind constantly. I didn’t have in my mind,

“Oh, I’m so pretty”, 


“Ew! I’m so ugly, not worth anything and hideous! Of course no one wants to date me!.”

Mother continued,

“Life has always shown you the depth of your beauty. Constantly. In every second of your life, in every experience you have had, there was life mirroring to you how extremely beautiful you are in and out.”




At that moment, the movie of my life so far, played in my head. An overwhelming feeling of gratitude covered my entire being. Gratitude for that one friend, gratitude for every moment of my life, gratitude for myself and gratitude for all my experiences whether they were painful or blissful. I began to think,

“ How many of us, just go around life thinking how hideous we are, missing this one powerful point? Missing that in reality, life is not only mirroring to us what we need to work on, but also, how incredibly beautiful/handsome we all are!?”


WOW Mother WOW!

It all made so much more sense. 


I stayed in that space, admiring Nature, admiring life and myself, with so much unconditional love and gratitude for every single breath I have taken and will continue to take. 

Gratitude. Period. Gratitude.

So, this is my message and a powerful reminder to you all:

It doesn’t matter what you have gone through in life, how many people have hurt you, how many people you have hurt, what was said to you, what you said. It doesn’t matter. What truly matters is this moment in time, what we call the present moment and the beauty of life itself. How many of us go in our heads about our mistakes, our pains and hurts and totally forget to see the actual beauty of our beings?

You ARE beautiful!

You ARE powerful!

Life is CONSTANTLY showing you how truly beautiful you are.


What a miracle that is!

So, pay attention, open up your heart and realize that despite of how you have felt in the past, there is an extraordinary beauty within you and around you. You are unique and that uniqueness gives power for your strength to come forth.  That uniqueness is what is needed in this world.  That uniqueness transforms your being and allows it to express itself in its own way. That uniqueness is what we all see,

The true YOU

I love you. 

I know you have been hurt, just like I have, but at this moment in time, what is needed is our strength. What is needed is for us to own our uniqueness and work together as a team, whether we have met physically or not. 

What is needed is US! 

Being ourselves and showing the rest of the world that we don’t need to be like everybody else to feel ok. What is needed is to show the unconditional love for the Self as we surrender to our truth and allow ourselves to BE.


So much love to you all.

So much love and thank you so much for mirroring me how extraordinary I am and for being in this not so gentle rollercoaster we call life. 

I am deeply grateful for all your presences.


Surrendering to the Flow of Life - An inner Dialogue

There come times in our life when life itself as we might perceive it, doesn't seem to be enough.

Is it truly not enough? Or is it an askew perception of what life truly is?

What if life itself is the most perfect representation of an unconditional love the greatest "being" is giving birth to?

What if life is being moved by That Which Is?

What if life is a constant movement of the perfection of a wave that shifts as it becomes more aware of itself?

What if thinking and perhaps feeling that life is not enough, opens up the space for life itself to be experienced in a way that is utterly perfect?

So here comes the thoughts.

The thoughts of an aware being that continuously opened up the space to be constantly aware as the shifts increased day by day.

When I was younger, I often felt completely different, in the sense that someone could possibly understand me. So I chose to hide, to hide in the depth of the uncertainty that was growing within.

I didn't realize how so not different I was until I ran away from my partner at the time, my family, my friends and the city I had called home for so many years. Asia for sure showed me that although I had been different in some extend, I was also equally as similar to some that had felt the exact same thing pretty much all their lives.

This was the moment that shifted A LOT of things. I had felt at home in so many ways before, but there was something unlike this feeling of home that I hadn't felt before.

I want to share something with you and please open up your minds and your heart in ways that perhaps you haven't done before, especially if you have "known" me personally for a while.

Although I had been living my life in what I called truth, I truly hadn't. No, it's not that I wasn't faking it, I honestly thought the one running the show was me, my true identity. However. The more I grew, the more I realized how something completely different than the actual ME, had been living MY life ... up until recently.

In Asia, in Thailand and The Philippines, I met extraordinary people. People that spoke like me, people that at times didn't need to speak, yet the conversation was still flowing. There was something beyond the spoken words, something in the space in between words and in the silence.

People that have done the work I was going through and I'm going through and can say "Oh ya, I went through that as well," making it seem like, it's "normal;" part of the process. Hearing such words made me think,

"Thank God. I guess I am not crazy nor I ever was!"

Can you picture the relieve I sensed? After so many years thinking that I was some kind of alien in this Planet. 😂😂😂

Following one's heart's desire is not as simple as eating a piece of cake ... well ok... that perhaps is not as easy either! 😜😂 but if we wanna talk about it ....

How many codes have been engraved in our systems? How many programmings since before we even know when existence truly began or what that word actually means? What is stored in our cells and DNA that prevent us and make it challenging to discover the greatness that is inside us all?

Wow... some deep questions.


They truly are!

These are questions that pop in my mind as I see processes dissolve right in front of my eyes. Questions that would have appeared in a different manner if I hadn't met "my tribe" in Asia.

When someone tells you,

"Welcome home dear"

And your entire being tingles, you KNOW you have found home and the longing for it stops. Because you just know.

How did it all begin?

As I said, I ran away. Do most people ran away or they choose to stay?

I can't comment about others, but I can about this system; the system I call my own.

It reached a point where it needed to explore and not explore the world (it just came with it, which I am super grateful for it), but explore itself and find itself through such exploration.

It began to think,

"There must be something "else" there"

As the call to go back to Asia was so strong. There was such a magnetic pull that could not be ignored. So it chose itself.

It chose to allow its essence to guide and float in the pool of rivers that will lead it to the ones whom had been waiting for it.

It chose to flow with what we call life.

Was it easy?

Hell no, it wasn't easy. At times, it's still not easy, yet it understands.

It understands that codes are being re-discovered and broken. It understands that its TRUE essence is coming forth and guiding every step of the way if allowed. It also understands that at times the same codes that are being broken can seem to take charge if loosing the sight of things.

So where does the balance come from?

In this system, the balance comes from trusting there is nothing broken within, but in such a perfection as things are coming to the surface bringing more awareness.

The balance comes from knowing and seeing even if it was only for a split second where it came from and why it chose to come here.

The balance comes from accessing the space in between and traveling throughout the night to places that are thought to be imaginary.

The balance comes from that unconditional love that goes beyond what those two words convey; a love which moves it all.

The balance from knowing that you and me and everybody else, although seem to think are experiencing something completely different, in reality aren't.

The knowing that in a space where everything gets moved with such care and something beyond love, separation doesn't exists and in that space creation gets dissolved to its specific point:



I have always been intrigued by teleportation. I remember many years ago, I started saying that I was gonna get teleportation down... in a moment when I was stuck in heavy traffic and I felt impatient. Never did I think, at that time with that awareness, I was actually going to.

What if... what if I told you that we are constantly teleporting? But it's a different kind, not the one we attached a specific definition to a word that might have a different meaning.

When we start to approach life with curiosity and noticing that not only we are creating our realities but also that multiple lives (ours) are happening all consecutively, we can begin to consciously learn what we are meant to learn, release or bring more awareness into someone's life; which will not only benefit them, but also ourselves and all of us a a whole.

I invite you to open your mind a little bit more with me today.

The concept of time, is just a concept and it gives us tunnel vision that we are meant to break out of in order to fully wake up. When we start to break out of the "normality" of life, we can begin to see the simulation we are in.

There are SOO many rules in life. Have you even wondered who placed them there? Have you ever thought that perhaps "they" were limiting you so you wouldn't tune in into your truth and the infinite powers of your being?

However, when we go back about the simulation of life and being the architects of your own reality, we know that we had also designed the rules, the tunnel vision, the forgetting for one specific purpose: to be grateful of the awakening.

I used to think that I would feel so much different and have so many super powers when waking up... which I do, they are just not the definition we attached to those words... attaching... we seem to believe that there is only one way of seeing things, one definition, that everything is set. I ask you this then:

With such limited beliefs, how would you invite your unlimited ones to your current Self?

The very first thing one must practice is dropping such beliefs and expand the mind to different and unlimited possibilities. As everything else, with practice, things get easier. The practice will bring confrontation which is expected; the only way to allow something to fully come out is to feel it, thank it and let it go. Such confrontation can be difficult, if one continues to attach itself to the limited belief in question or somewhat easy if the subject consciously goes into the releasing mode knowing that things will arise, being part of the process.

The longer the confrontation goes for, the longer the limited belief is "winning" its battle.

Compassion is the main key in this process. Compassion will help leading the way as the subject continues to shed layers upon layers of the being he or she thought to be. This technique can be easy forgotten at times if the limited belief is a core belief and the subject has been battling with it for years, perhaps even centuries.

The remembrance of compassion will always take the subject back to the lit road and things will seem easier.

Once these core beliefs begin to detached themselves from the subject, light enters through parts that had been hidden prior to the detachment. This is when things begin to flow easily.

At this moment, the subject has so much awareness that can pin point different things for its growth. It no longer attaches to limited believes and even if one comes up for somebody else, it's easily recognized.

Now, this is the moment where surrender has already worked its magic. As things become more recognized day after day, the subject can see what is happening and how the Universe is giving us everything we want ALL the time.

The Universe is always clearing the roads for us to walk through and reach our dream lives. Many times the roads are dirty, rocky and as they get cleaned, things arise, we release and continue on the path of consciousness.

There is a moment in what we call life when awareness is such that the subject starts to connect with the different versions of the Self in other lifetimes. When this connection gets strong, the subject begins to feel when it teleports to a different Self for whatever reason it might be.

I would like to share an awareness I had about this two days ago. As I was sitting in one of my besties "couch" (it's not really your traditional looking couch), observing the interaction of my friends, I noticed why I had been so tired and quite uncomfortable since my arrive to Las Vegas: I had been teleporting, entering the physical body of the Self that lives in the reality of Las Vegas.

I know it might sound crazy to some of you, but go back to one of the firsts things I said at the beginning about opening your mind and bare with me. I'll even give you an unicorn for some magic! 😉🦄😏

Ok... I hadn't been easy to be back, yet I couldn't placed my fingers on what it was, because I knew I was SUPER EXCITED to be back.

As I was sitting watching my friends, I felt it all. I felt that I had been uncomfortable in my own skin because the current Self, the one who is typing this blog, had a higher awareness than the one that lives here. There is nothing wrong with that, we grow and period.

Sitting there, I felt the teleportation starting to complete its action. Of course it's not gonna be instant, specially when a different awareness comes through and its rooting itself in a physical body that had a completely different level of awareness.

It was uncomfortable

It made me cry

It made be more grateful

It made speechless

And it made me love my life and myself even deeper.

It was



And the thing is:




When we asked for something, we start to shed the layers that no longer serve us in order to reach the life we want to live and the Universe works its magic to make that reality real.

So, just life Phil Good says "we pick up the phone, call a Self in another reality so that Self can help us and guide us."


Since things might not seem to be working, sometimes we give up way too early, but that doesn't mean things are not being worked out behind the scenes. The Universe is always working for us with us.


All you have to do is believe.


What you ask for gets fulfilled, all it's needed is patience. As my grandpa used to say:

"Paciencia y buen humor"

"Patience and good humor"

That's all it takes loves; THAT and truly believing in your potential to manifest the life of your dreams. There is nothing more powerful than a human being and the reason is simple:

You are not just a human

Feel the connection to Infinity

Feel the connection to Source

Feel the connection with your heart

Let it go

Let go of control

Let go of expectations


Surrender and Trust





Awakening Process

Monday May 20th 2019
Qosqo, Perú

Good Morning! 😊💖

Wow, yesterday was a day! Ha ha but beautiful anyway. At least I wrote down the descriptions for my channeled Therapies and Guidance! Lol #Yayness

But honestly, I was super tired, not physically, or maybe yes... I think it was a combination of everything.

It all began with the innerdance workshop... to be in the center and allowing people to see my intense process and then … Marie's facilitation. I do have to give her thanks again, because wow! What a release!

Here is where my question comes. A lot of times... it's become part of my everyday life... I hear when someone is thinking about me, their thoughts; I feel their feelings and I even see what they are seeing... the last latter not as much, but the others do happen quite often. The thing is that I sometimes feel that I am invading their privacy of the ones I feel, but then I realize that of course is not like that. The fact that I hear them is because they have opened themselves up and have given me permission to listen to them.

The question is... is that part of my powers? Is that part of awakening? Of my third eye? Higher Self, Divinity, could you please explain to me more about this? Because it is a quite crazy awesome magic trick lol.

“Ok. Begin to write.

When someone begins to wake up, everything within the being begins to change, the vibration, the energetic body, the molecular structure, the physical body. In other words, the being as a whole is adapting itself to the new energetic structure and the changes. Depending on how one has lived their "prior" life, it can be subtle or intense, and also the intensity is defined by the link that one has with previous lifetimes, which one had to bring to this current life to have the awareness of such.

That doesn't mean that it will always hurt, just that the being needs a potent fire to be able to wake up the deepest parts that have been truly asleep.

Therefore, when the fire ignites itself and begins to wake up the core of a being, it shouts little cords to different and all parts to wake them up. Like DNA. The connectivity gets activated and the internal connectivity of one's being is fully linked.

As all these molecules begin to connect, the awareness of someone begins to change. The being feels the subtle changes within and even at times it might think "That's weird" and goes on with what it’s believed to be "normal" life.

It is when the connections get strong that the changes within are felt in a deeper way and the physical body begins to morph following the real structure of the energetic connection.

If we look at the following chart 👉 Grab colors

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One molecule begins to break out of its shell to become


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Free from distractions.

It shoots the current awareness, the truth to the rest to wake them up


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And they begin to morph to the current awareness, freedom and the domino effect starts.


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And so on.
Until in one "area" they are all free of limited conditions. Therefore the awareness moves freely and the physical body feels the change and adapts itself to allow the awareness to flow throughout.


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And so on.
When the physical body begins to change, the linear pattern changes and from ALL angles things connect. So there is nothing that is not connected.

Now, going back to your question, when the center gets awakened and sends signals to the rest of the being, what you call chakras, begin to work properly.

Now. You begin to believe they work, but how they truly work... chakras are just cells that had awaken themselves, merged together to become these powerful spheres that send receptors to other parts of the being to help it wake up. As in

"HEY! Are you there? Wake up!"

Think about it like a phone call, and slowly other parts wake up. The stronger these spheres become, the faster other parts wake up.

And some wake up faster than others because the attention is sent to a specific point of the being more than to others.

Every part of a being corresponds to different "powers" or "abilities". So again, the more connectivity in the cellular level, the stronger these abilities become and when the connectivity fully flows throughout, there is no separation and EVERYTHING works in unison.

The reason why you are able to do that is because you are getting fully connected to the infinite fountain of awareness. The infinite connectivity as a whole which is the infinite connectivity of it all.

There is no separation among any beings and that is what you are experiencing.

It's not just that your third eye is open. It's because in a deeper level all the connectors are being connected to it all and you are experiencing the totality of beings and life itself.”


“And yes, it begins with the ones that you are deeply connected with in this so called reality because your being needs to grow in a way that makes sense to it. So it attaches itself to the known to get closer to the unknown. Makes sense?”


“So continue to trust. Things are there and you have arrived. Allow your physical body to connect deeper to these points and let it upgrade itself.

You will lead others to do the same.

You already are.”

Thank you so much 😊

“Yup! Anytime!
We love you and we are always here for you. 👉 Your Angel's and guides. We'll talk about that later “

(Who are you?)
I love you
I love you
I love you

“And us you “😊

Shiva & Shakti

Friday, May 24 2019

Qosqo, Peru

Yesterday tired me so much.
Amor and I went to the Temple of the Monkey to take pictures and videos of me channeling. Channeling itself is a bit tiring at times. It was such a beautiful day. First, we went to Mercado San Blas to have breakfast and then we grabbed some cookies from this vegan shop to take them up with us.

Truly being up there is so much nicer than being in the city. I think it's simply because it's nature. We both miss nature; the air is fresher, the breeze is nicer and yes of course the no pollution thing, but it's beyond that. There is such a beautiful energy there that cannot be limited with a description of written words.

Since innerdance had played (and still does) such an important role in my awakening process, we decided to channel the Shakti energy. I will definitely type out what she said. To be completely honest, I didn't know much of her, just what I was told during both Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainings, that truly wasn't much.

During the first one, we were told that the goal was to move Shakti from the bottom of the spine to the top where Shiva was in stillness waiting for her. During the second one with Yogi Amandeep, the point was to do only one Kriya to wake her up. Little did he know that Shakti in me was already dancing with Shiva.

This is one of the things that came out yesterday; Shakti said that it is not that Shiva is in stillness, they dance together always because they are not separate... funny how we "change" some things. Perhaps it's the duality world, perhaps it's ignorance, perhaps it's the part of all of the programming we had been tied to since we came into this existence.

So, I think it's necessary to go deeper in this subject, no guides?

Ok... I got my cup of coffee and my bottle of water, so let's begin. Shall we, guides?


Yesterday. Some truly amazing info about Shakti came through, specially that Shiva and Shakti constantly dance together. Could you go more in depth about it? Por favor.

"Humans believe that everything is separate, that who is writing this is separate from who is watching it happen, that a mother is separate from a child, that a chair is separate from the table, that a country is separate from who inhabits it. That all humans are separate from each other. However, the reality is that Creation is dancing with itself.

There is a reason why you are sitting down writing as things come through while your neck adjusts itself and Derek is innerdancing in the room while his neck is also adjusting itself. Both of you are going through experiencing the Union State; the State in which there is no separation, but a dance in which if you move this way, he also moves the same way. In other words, the totality of life being experienced in what is believed to be two different physical bodies and beings all together, which behind it all, is the same energy being moved away and dancing with itself.

When we come from the perspective of the totality of life, we understand that nothing is separate, that everything is moving and morphing at the same time, yet it is not. This is the reason why it has been believed that Shiva is in stillness, because he truly is, yet st the same time he is dancing with Shakti in ecstasy. These two things are happening simultaneously --> the stillness and the dance.

When you go to the very point of existence, the nothingness, the stillness, the zero point, there is absolutely nothing in motion, but when you understand that in order for consciousness to experience itself, it had to create its own form and expression; you can see the beautiful dance of life moving with full awareness that at the same time, is in stillness.

Your neck at this moment is going through the dance, as the cervical spine adjusts itself, as consciousness dances with the very same zero point of existence: stillness.

These are concepts so simple yet humans complicate everything because there is this programming that it couldn't be possible for things to be so simple. However, how and why would life complicate itself? It's just dancing, it's enjoying every single moment of its existence in ecstasy.

Think about a moment in time where you were dancing, whether it was alone or with friends. Describe it to me."

I was at EDC Las Vegas with Matt and a bunch of my besties.

How did you feel?”

Extremely happy. On top of the world, like nothing could ever stop me yet all the pain I had within me was releasing as I danced in pure bliss.

“Exactly. That is the Dance. All these emotions believed to be negative are just as important as the ones that are believed to be positive. They both dance together in ecstasy when it's allowed. That is the Dance, Shiva and Shakti. They are both everywhere. All around. It's not just the energy within the spinal column, it's life itself. Makes sense?”

Ya, so how can we, as humans, be more aware of the presence of both at the same time?

"Well, it's simple --> it's existence itself. When thinking about the pool of where everything became everything, there is no separation. When knowing that there is not separation, it's understood that everything is the whole and with this awareness is understood that as you move, so does she. As you speak, so does he. As Shakti dances, so does Shiva, as Shiva remains in stillness so does Shakti.

Understand that beyond everything you are experiencing, there is a point that moves so fast, it is seen as stillness, like light and again, as life. Life is constantly moving, yet you experience stillness. It's not that life is in a still mode, it's that is constantly moving at such a fast speed that cannot be seen, yet it's in stillness and at the same time in motion.

Go beyond the belief that only one thing happens at the same time, because that is not how it works. Everything is happening at the same time all the time.



So when you believe that a problem has been created, the solution for such problem was created at the same time. Everything is there, but because humans tend to name things, they see it as separation, but it's not. They are both there working in unison and doing the same dance: Shiva and Shakti’s dance.”


You and Derek are doing the dance, with your physical bodies, which in reality is One, with your awareness, with your energy, with your thoughts, with your words, with your emotions. The bodies are shifting because the awareness has reached them and they are moving with the Dance of Union.”

How can we make the dance as smooth as possible?

Let it be. Let it dance. How does it feel like when you are dancing and someone comes, stops and blocks it from flowing?”


“It's the same thing. Both consciousness are remembering; have remembered that they are one and they are dancing in ecstasy shooting signals to every part of the Being (you both) so the Being itself can experience totality. If you both stop it, if one of you stops it, like you said, sucks, the process becomes confused given that it just wants to dance with its full awareness.”


“So why would you want to stop it?”

Because we have things to do.

“And such things are more important than the Dance of totality?”


So why do you stop it?”

Because of fear.

“Fear of what?”

Of truly knowing, experience and live the truth.

“Why is that fearful?”

I can't speak for D, but for me ... I went through massive changes super quick. The life I had designed and manifested collapsed. It was scary as fuck. Who I believed to be, turned out it wasn't even me. So, who the hell was I? I suffered. I suffered a lot, yet I know I had designed it all to wake up to my truth; to dance like you said, but it doesn't change the fact that it was fucking scary. It hurt and I felt completely and utterly crazy.

“You still identity yourself with that one being.”


“Why don't you let her go?”


“Of what?”

Fear... fear of what others would say.
Fear of failing.
Fear of losing.
Fear, just irrational fear.

“Irrational fear indeed. People love you. You have a lot of wisdom that came through experience. You are not failing; you are succeeding in multiple dimensions and you are gaining more than you believe. So what is the reason behind this all?”

Since all these things came to my awareness, I worked so hard to reach the level of what we call Enlightenment and to be completely honest, I didn't think it was reachable; it was almost like a myth, until I met Babaji in Kathmandu. The myth dissolved and it became reality. Yet, I didn't think... part of me didn't think it was attainable for me. Yet a bigger part of me knew, that of course I can be there, why couldn't I? It's just... I'm not even sure. I'm just a "normal" girl. Who am I to reach that level of awareness?

“You are not just a normal girl.
You are the totality of existence.
You are life itself.
You are consciousness, full consciousness dancing in bliss.”

Right. I know that. I do, but how do I let the other part go? So the dance is free to do its thing?

“You are going through a big process. The awakening process is something so beautiful and simple and you are complicating it. Let it be. Let it flow. Trust and let go. You are being shown who you are and you are questioning things because you don't want to let go of who you had believed to be. How could you possibly experience totality if you are stuck in separation?

In order for you to know who you are
You must drop who you think you are

You are not this.
You are not that.
You just are.”


“When you surrender and let things flow, it all comes. It's that simple.”

Lol. Super simple and no I'm not mocking.

We know”

Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I am beyond grateful.

We are aware =)
Thank you.
We love you.”

And I love you.
