
System Restoring : Letting Go Of An Identity

System Restoring : Letting Go Of An Identity

Releases truly know when to fully come out. I wonder at times if they are beings themselves and think “Oh! This is actually the perfect time to do so!” Meanwhile the human has no idea whatsoever what is about to happen. Funny. Funny indeed. I also feel that it doesn’t just begin there. Perhaps these beings had already communicated to the system to set up the release time and to make sure nobody else was around unless needed. YES. I TOTALLY believe that is the case. Let me explain why.

My Awakening - The Story behind Channeling Directly from Source

On June 22, 2018 my awakening process fully began…

It all started with a little tab and the beach with my soul family in a beautiful island.

Of course, I didn't know that little thing was about to change my life. We all went to the beach and chilled. Spent pretty much the entire time in the water, connecting with her, with the Island, with Mother Earth, with Nature and of course with each other.

I found myself floating on the water, talking to her and sharing the love I felt for her and vice-versa. I began to understand how some people choose to go that way and how others realize their potential as the connection with everything becomes stronger.

It was the moment that I was helping to get something to eat for my bestie's daughter (who was my daughter in another lifetime) that I felt something bigger was coming. 

I moved closer to the water, not placing my feet on her, but still close enough I could feel the wetness on the sand. As I faced her, my body began to dance in a way I hadn't before. I felt like a Goddess lost in a trance dancing her pains away. Well, ... it literally happened that way. My hands commenced to move energy in a beautiful and graceful way; seeing it all.  My mouth began to make some noises as a different breathing took place, and my body continued to dance. I felt like I was watching everything behind the scenes, yet I was there fully present during the entire process.

Things were being released from my being, things that had been in my family for generations and because of fear of taking the leap of faith, hadn't been released. It was my job in this lifetime to do it. Although the release was painful, it wasn't uncomfortable and not once did I cry throughout the process. I felt so much gratitude at knowing what was going on. I kept hearing my friends talking to me and about me making sure I was ok, yet I couldn't stop what was happening, nor did I want to.

As the process continued and the released was finalizing, it came to my awareness that what I was releasing was not only from my Divine Feminine, but from the Collective one. I was releasing that for us all. This realization brought more gratefulness and more humbleness to my being as I experienced such a connection to all of us; as the We are ONE became more than just a concept, but a full reality.

When the release finalized, my being continue to danced in glory and in bliss. Energy was still being moved not only with my arms but also with my torso, head hips and legs, and although my eyes were closed, I saw it all through THE eye. When it all finished, I stayed still and brought my hands to my mouth in a "holy shit" kind of motion. I walked towards my bestie not knowing what to say. She looked at me and asked if I was ok and I told her "I remember who I am." She hugged me and I cried telling her about watching my people being murdered, about the destruction, about it all.

I went to bed, after having an indescribable and beautiful experience with my beloved and woke up due to something that was happening with my tongue. It was as if someone had a hold of it and pulled it in all possible directions non-stop, stretching it beyond belief. I didn't know what was happening, yet again, no part of me felt fear. I knew something magical was happening even if my mind, couldn't comprehend what. In my heart I knew everything was alright. Some noises came out of my mouth as my tongue danced and I allowed it all to unfold as I surrendered deeper to the process. Luckily for me, I was already used to "weird" things happening since the moment my Kundalini energy fully move up on June of  2016. #Grateful

This went on for what felt like an hour or so and then I passed out again. When I woke up, I felt so different. SO different. I had shifted massively and there was no denying it.

We had all planned to do a little ceremony for a friend to let go of something/someone in Nature, close to water. So before heading to Nature, we went to have brunch. There were so many of us and we all could not fit in one car, so I asked my housemate if I could ride with him on his bike. I had already shared with him my experience of the night before since he had stayed in. Well what happened that day was a continuation of the previous night.

As soon as I got on his bike, my hands moved to his back and I began to channel something. I heard "Channels are being opened." And I began to say something in a language I "hadn't heard" before. I remember asking him "Do you hear what I'm saying?" He said he could hear something, yet couldn't put the words together... weeellll neither could I at that moment. My hands moved effortlessly on his back, like I knew I was doing yet part of me had no clue what was happening. The language started to come out stronger as I was pulling energy out of him, sending it to Mother Earth and she would send it back to me cleaner to put it back in him. It was so fascinating!

The entire time we hiked to get to this water place for the ceremony, my hands were "playing" with energy, feeling it like I hadn't felt it before and speaking this "new" language. I couldn't even stop it to grab my backpack and another friend had to help me put it on! It was quite funny! 

When the ceremony ended, we all headed back. I needed to exchange some money and get some fruits, so we did that before heading back home. Again "Channels are being opened" was heard and healing was happening for my beloved, the entire way to exchange money, buying, fruits and heading back home.

After trying Jackfruit for the first time ... I had only had it as the vegan version of pulled pork... which was YUUUUMMSSS!!!  , I channeled a session for him. Ok so, I had no idea what was happening, words just came out of my mouth in that language, my hands just moved, like I've done this PLENTY times before (which I have, let's be honest) and even sang in this beautiful ancient language.

When I was done, I went to the kitchen to grab a mango while I waiting for him to come back. I sat on the floor eating the fruit (lol I'm such a yogi) and when he opened his eyes I said to him "I'd like to explain what just happened, but I have no idea"  he asked curiously if that was the first time I had done a healing like that and of course I replied yes. I needed to lay down, so I excused myself and went to my room. Little did I know, the next day was still gonna be a continuation of the previous days.

Two words: Inner Dance. 

Inner Dance is a state of being and through the process, awareness reaches a point where things come back to you making you feel closer to Source ( Remember: You have always been one with Source) and in tune with your truth.

On Sunday June 24 of 2018, I went to a Inner dance group session with my beloved. I truly did not expect what was about to happen. 

As soon as the music began, my arms danced and the language was spoken just as any other language I am fluent in. I talked, I screamed, I cried all in that ancient language. My body made all these kinds of movements, that I swear if any other being was watching, would have taught I was playing out the exorcist lol It kept shaking, moving and doing these intense backbends that I tried so hard to do during my Yoga practice without any luck. At that moment, it wasn't even a big deal and didn't even hurt. However, what did hurt was the release that was coming out.

I realized throughout the process that I had been cursed in another lifetime; that was coming out and it was EXTREMELY painful. There were 3 facilitators in the room; one was always with me... imagine the intensity. At moments when my body was in intense backbend position, one of them press on my belly and that triggered everything. I yelled and cried even louder as the curse was coming out of my left side and moving all the way up to be released through my throat. 

When it was finally out of me, I felt so light, like I hadn't felt before. A portal opened up and I saw Sacred Geometry, Metraton's Cube, and the flower of life all around it. I reached out to them and began to create different symbols with them, expanding them, contracting them, making patterns and bringing them into my being; to every main chakra to be more specific, starting with the crown all the way down to the root. Every time, Sacred Geometry would enter my chakras, my body would move as if a truck had hit me and a painful noise would come out of my mouth. The moment all the chakras were cleared, I was able to take a deep breath and rest for a bit. My heart rate was finally calming down.

When I was able to move, I sat down. I immediately reached for my head, touching in it, almost not believing I had made it. I kept feeling my body in complete AWE saying in the ancient language "Holy Shit, I made it!!" And I began to laugh uncontrollably, thinking that it had taken so much effort to wake up. Yet I had done it... I could finally breathe!

Then I began to think... ok well, so how do I switch to speak the other languages I speak? My left index finger went immediately to my left temple and poked it... I started to speak in Italian. I did the same thing, and a combination of french and the ancient language came. I poked my temple again saying "Why are you not speaking French fluently?!" And laughing at the same time.  I poked it again and English came out... at this moment, I connected with my Beloved's Higher Self and we had a dope conversation.

I was completely in AWE at everything that had just happened and at the same time, so extremely grateful.  After the conversation with my twin, my body began to do its thing again and continue to release... this time, it was about my parents. My arms pulled in all things of directions as I was in a child's pose position. First, it was my right arm; it was being pulled to the right, forward and back, as in trying to do Reverse Namaste hand position. That was about my dad and then it moved to the left side, the side about my mom. I am not recalling at this moment what exactly happened, I just remember the right side being more intense. Perhaps because I had more imbalances on that shoulder than the other one... well more noticeable ones. I kept talking on the ancient language, crying and releasing pain... and then the music stopped; the session was over.

I was still in child's pose, breathing heavily and not being able to move. I felt that I had taken the most intense heated fitness class. My hair was all over my face, sweat all over my head and my heart beat was still rising. I felt and heard people moving and going to the bathroom, yet I was still there on the mat, or floor... I had moved A LOT! 

When I was able to finally move, I sat up, still in a bit of a shock. We were served tea and sat in a circle. It was sharing time. Part of me was nervous... "What am I supposed to say? How could I even say what had just happened when I am still processing it all?" ... a little crystal moved around the circle. It was a way to give space to someone to share. I heard people's experiences, yet my heart was still like "Shit! What are we saying?" Then, I came to the realization that regardless something was gonna come out and freaking out and overthinking was not gonna do me any good; so I tried very hard to pay full attention to the ones sharing prior to me.

When the crystal arrived to my hands, I wasn't even nervous. The words came out so smoothly, I didn't even have to think about it. " I remember" I said "I remember and I am very grateful for all of you, for holding the space and creating this collectively." These were the words that stuck more with me, yet when I said them, I looked mostly at the floor. I knew if people saw my eyes, they were gonna notice the difference and I wasn't ready for that. I needed more time for myself and to process it all.

People began to leave. My beloved came to me, he was sitting across the circle when we were sharing. I told him about my experience but at the same time, not about the awakening. I kept thinking "The ones who know don't speak. The ones who speak don't know." 

It took me probably a week to say it to my best friends. Yet I kept channeling and doing healing sessions, this time in my language. My channeling and connection to Source had increased and it was more powerful than ever. I knew I was channeling directing from Source; I didn't have to think about it, it just came.

From that moment on, my life changed completely. Everyday, I became stronger and more powerful. Everyday, something new would download. Everyday, the healing sessions I'd hold for others became more specific related to them, more powerful, more intense and it wasn't just Reiki... it was and IT IS Source doing the healing through me. I had become, the one thing I kept asking since I started this path consciously:

I AM the purest bridge between the Divine, the Physical Real and other Realms.

The most beautiful gift I have received in this lifetime, besides my life and my Beloved. Actually, I would say, the 3 of all are all at the same level. =)

Bless <3