Light Language: Divine Activation

When I sit down and allow things to fully flow without interruption, it amazes me.


If you would have told me five years ago or even three years ago that I would be channeling a Light Language in what I call my future, I would have been like "Ah whaaaat?!" HA HA HA HA

Sometimes we do not realize the power that is stored within us. Perhaps that's due to thinking we are only humans and those particular patterns block the ones that might be able to show us a bit more. It is so funky when we think about it. I remember reading a meme that said something a long the lines of

"You are in a Planet that is floating in the middle of the Universe and you don't believe in magic?"

That brought so much deep awareness to my system and at that moment in time I didn't get it at all. I felt it, but my mind wanted to understand every detail.

Perhaps that's the downfall of the human mind. The fact that it wants to know how things operate. At times though, there is truly no way to explaining it; it must be felt. This is the case with the Light Language that comes through me. I will try to explain as much as I can here. Please keep your mind open.

When I began to search for something bigger things didn't really come. I believe that was due to me wanting to experience something that would blow my mind. Part of me gave up. However, I continued to open portals and do energy work. They always satisfied my curiosity as things truly were shown way different than whenever I would do other things. It was when I was in Kathmandu that my life truly changed.

I am quite certain we all have, or most of us have heard about Enlightened Beings. It sounds a bit crazy no? Beings that have transcended the human mentality and have "powers." In 2017 right after finishing a Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training named "The Making of a Yogi," I traveled to Nepal. I was only there for five days, but that was exactly what was needed. The very last day I was there I was introduced to someone. This someone changed my life.

I had a vision the night before meeting this fellow that my brother Diplove came to me and said,

"There is something I want to teach you."

Now, if you were to approach a "regular" human being saying "Hey! I got a vision and you said this to me," such human would probably look at you like you're crazy. Luckily, I knew he was also a Reiki practitioner, so the crazy look wasn't going to happen. I approached him the very next day and when I said that to him he laughed then said,

"Would you like to meet my Master?"

"Sure," I replied.

"My Enlightened Master," he added.

My heart raised.

"Did he just say what I think he said?" I asked myself.

"Ya," I replied to him.

He took me to this room which was right next to the Yoga room. I had seen it every time I had gone to practice Yoga Asana there, but I didn't think anything about it. I checked my nostrils and stepped into the room with the foot that corresponded to the one nostril that was more activated. It is a sign of respect. The moment I entered I felt the change in energy.

Something BIG was happening there.

I saw a group of men sitting around this one guy. I was introduced to him.

"This is my Master, Babaji," said Diplove.

I looked into this eyes and everything in me stopped.

There is something very special about the human eye. It says it all. It can tell someone else how you are feeling, your imbalances, your traumas, and it can also tell you how awake someone is. His eyes screamed unconditional love. I had never seen eyes like his before. There was absolutely nothing that said anything else in them. Pure unconditional love poured not only from his eyes but from his entire being. I wanted to collapse on my knees and bow to him. His look had penetrated my system within less than a second and something was changing within me. Something big had already changed within me by just being in his presence.

I had a session with him the next morning before heading back to India. All I can tell you is it was beyond powerful. He knew things that literally nobody knew about my childhood and parents. He activated something in me. I know he did. The last days in Kathmandu changed it all. Enlightenment was no longer a concept but a reality. I was grateful I had listened to the guidance which had led me there. I was grateful for the deep shift within me.

A year later I found myself in Thailand, in an island named Koh Phangan. I was in an innerdance group session. Something big had begun to activate in my organism two nights before. Those two hours were so intense; they left me on the floor in child's pose catching my breath. Throughout the session I was speaking, singing, chanting and screaming in a Light Language. A facilitator came to me and whispered in one of my ears something in a language my mind didn't understand, but my heart did.

"Wake up sister. I am here for you," she said to me.

It was the exact same thing I told Ming when this kind of awakening happened to her.

It's been two years after this. Two super transformational years. In these two years I have become comfortable with my gift. I know it is not mine but humanity's. At the beginning I had no idea what was going on or what it meant. Part of me said,

"Here we go again … another thing that makes you super weird."


The reality of it is that Ok yes, I am super weird but I have a gift that is beyond beautiful.

I noticed since 2018 the Light Language was doing something for others: helping them. I knew it was something I couldn't explain but any time someone would give me feedback, it would blow my mind. There was also the feeling of,

"Yes! You are doing your Dharma allowing it to fully come through."

I was so hesitant of letting people hear it. Part of it was because pretty much my entire life I have gotten really weird looks, so it would trigger something in me. However, the more it came through, the more I noticed how powerful it was.

In Burning Man of 2018 I channeled it for the very first time in a tent full of people. I heard my mind say,

"Who do you think you are to be doing this?"

The other part of me disregarded it and continued. The thing is, I wasn’t doing anything at all. Something bigger was. When the session was done, so many people came to me curious about the language and sharing their beautiful experiences. I wasn't making it up. I had a gift and it had to be shared.

I began to embrace it even if that meant it was making me even more weird than I already was. In a sense, it took the weirdness to a complete different level, but I began to take it as a compliment. I knew I couldn't hide it anymore because hiding it would mean I was cheating us all and I don’t have that in my heart. I came here to do the job which is to guide us all to remember who we truly are.

In a way I said "Fuck it!" I commenced to channel to my family, to friends then the need to share it with my clients and students became stronger than the fear of being seen as a weirdo. I gave myself full permission to embody this "power." The moment I fully embraced it was the moment that major shifts happened not only in my life but also in the life of the ones it touched. The voice also began to change. It would adjust to whoever it was speaking to, knowing exactly what to say and how to say it. I truly didn't know how a session was going to go, I just trusted and let it happen.

So now, I don't see it as a weird thing at all. It is me and I absolutely love it. As a matter of fact, I can't picture my life without it. In a sense it feels like my Mother Tongue. I know this has happened before in other lifetimes, in other realities. However, the most important thing is that I know how powerful it is and how it impacts other people's lives. It activates and deactivates different parts in others' organisms. I see it happening. How could I possibly hide this gift from all of you? I can't, doing such is being selfish. I cannot keep it in because it must be shared.

So here I am sharing it with you all because I know it does make a difference. I know it does resonate with you even if your mind cannot understand what is saying. Plus, keeping it in would mean I don't love you enough to make a difference in your life and if I don't love in that manner, I don't love myself at all.