Ayer escribí y pregunté porqué me sentía como me sentía y después de recibir el mensaje, hice un shake para mí y para Amor pero no tomé mucho por el mensaje recibido: calienta un poco de Cacao y haz una ceremonia pequeña.
(Yesterday I wrote and asked why I was feeling the way I was feeling and after receiving the message, I made a shake for me and Amor, but I didn't have so much of it because of what the message was: heat up a bit of Cacao and have a small ceremony.)
Magia pasó la verdad. Me fui al cuarto para hacer la ceremonia. Me senté donde me siento para meditar todas las mañanas y todas la noches. Abrí mi espacio sagrado y empecé a beber de la Mami Cacao. Ella me empezó a hablar y me decía
"No tengas miedo."
Porque literalmente, estaba apunto de orinarme y parte de mi no quería hacerla, porque sabía que algo mayor se iba a abrir. Pero pues, esa era la meta, la apertura 👉 jaja esto es italiano... de mi ser. Así que empecé a surrender more. Seguí bebiendo y en un instante la Mami me dijo
"Pon innerdance music".
(Magic happened, truly. I went to the room to have the ceremony. I sat down where I always sit to meditate every morning and every night. I opened Sacred Space and I began to drink from Mami Cacao. She started to talk to me and said,
"Don't be scared"
Because literally, I was about to pee my pants. Part of me didn't want to do it because I knew something major was going to open... but... anyways... that was the point, the opening of my being. So, I began to surrender more. I continued to drink and at one moment, Mami said,
"Put some innerdance music".)
Agarré mi celular y la canción que fue elegida fue para el tercer ojo.
dije en voz alta. La música empezó. Yo todavía seguía sentada tomando el cacao. Mi cuerpo se empezó a mover, especialmente mi cuello y brazos hasta que terminé de beber y la Mami me dijo que me echara. Ahí empezó el súper journey.
(I grabbed my phone and the song that was chosen was the one for the third eye.
I said outloud. The music began. I was still sitting down drinking cacao. My body started to move, specially my neck and arms until I finished the drink and Mami told me to lay down. That's where the super journey commenced.)
Ok... poner palabras al journey de innerdance realmente no es tan fácil; como que limita el journey itself, pero en fin... me eché en la cama que está al frente de mi altar y me di cuenta que también los de mi altar me estaban guiando y cheering me on... mis cheerleaders personales. 😂🤗
(Ok... to put words to an innerdance journey truly is not easy; it's almost as if it limits the journey itself, but anyways... I laid down on the bed that is in front of my altar and I noticed that the ones that are in it, were also guiding me and cheering me on... my personal cheerleaders. 😂🤗)
El principio del journey fue más interno, sin tantos movimientos de mi cuerpo físico. Aveces mis brazos se movían, aveces mi torso se elevaba como un globo, pero nada intenso como lo "normal". 😜
(The beginning of the journey was internal without much movement of my physical body. At times, my arms would move, at times my torso would rise up as a balloon going up to the sky, but nothing intense like the "normal". 😜)
La Mami me enseñó lo que me estaba bloqueando 👉 yo misma. La pared que había construido entre realmente mi verdad y la quien creo ser. Esta pared era súper chica que hasta podría sólo levantar una pierna, pasar y pasar con la otra. Simple.
(Mami showed me what was blocking me, or should I say who 👉 myself. The wall I had build in between my truth and who I believe to be. This wall was super small. I could even go over it like no big deal. Simple.)
Yet it wasn't that simple! My little self of four years old was playing on the other side of this little wall. She seemed to be playing alone, but I knew better. She was talking to our guides and angels; laughing and "playing" with energy. She was grabbing things energetically and bringing them into the physical plane. It was quite fascinating to see it from another perspective.
She stops and looks at me.
"Who are you? "
She asked, not scared at all, just curious.
"I am you"
I replied
"No, you are bigger. I'm small"
I laughed at the response.
"Are you lonely?"
I asked her
"Not at all - she replied amused - I'm never alone. I always have my friends around. We are playing. Do you wanna play with us?"
I said.
"Come over the wall"
She said to me.
As soon as she said that, I realized I was completely paralyzed. What seemed as such a simple task, was so incredibly difficult.
"I can't"
I replied
"What do you mean? It's not even a tall wall"
She said confused.
I looked down embarrassed and sad.
I felt her hand move as she placed her right palm in front of her little chest, facing me and without moving it, I sensed her reaching my heart, almost as she were Mrs. Incredible and she had elongated her arm just to reach my heart.
"There is so much sadness within you and distrust"
She said in such a sad little girl's voice.
"I know"
I replied.
She asked.
"I'm scared to go beyond who I think I am"
I answered her question.
"There is no reason to be scared"
She said as I felt a tiny little smile form on her face.
"Everything is magical. You create magic, you play with magic, you ARE magic. What is there to be scared of? Your existence itself is magical"
What a wise little me.
My chin moved up and I looked into her eyes. They were beaming, rays of light were coming out of them, as they were light themselves.
I smiled at her and saw the compassion she had for me in those beautiful eyes of hers and in her entire "little" being. At that moment, I felt her and I become one through the heart and like a beam that might seem a teleportation devise, our energy as a whole traveled upwards.
I found myself in front of my contract. It was shinning so bright like the last time I had seen it. I read it, things that perhaps weren't even words, but it had been translated so my current Self in this physical body could understand. I read the events that were gonna shape my life, including the one memory that was going to change EVERYTHING and make me distrust, forgetting the truth of who I am.
"You had designed it all even before you came to be. All the bliss, all the sadness, all the pain, all the silliness. Specifically to help you forget and guide you to remember. You are not a victim. You had chosen it all. YOU. It had been you ALL along"
I heard Mother speak.
At that moment, a wave of emotions moved through me as I completely understood. It wasn't a concept any longer, but the absolute and mere truth.
It had been me.
This entire life began to flash before my eyes as a movie. I saw myself playing, crying, yelling, being pissed, sad. I saw myself during all the "hard" parts of my life, my depression, leaving Vegas, the divorce; going through what I thought was unbearable pain into awakening, my powers coming back ... loving myself and understanding where I come from.
"You had always been the architect of your life. You designed it all"
Said Mother.
I understood. I understood beyond my mind; I understood with my heart. I had, I had designed it all. ALL OF IT for me, to remember, to know, to experience. It had been me all along. As I came to the full awareness of the truth, I was taken to the zero point of existence with such gratitude, compassion and unconditional love for myself.
My physical body began to move; my chest rose in preparation for a backbend. My heart ached as the memory that made me distrust everything was shown to me. Tears came out; yells of pain came out. My body moved in pain on the bed. My arms moved back and as my chest rose, it guided my neck to expose itself to the Heavens and I began to scream.
The scream of the little girl that had kept everything in.
The scream of freedom.
The scream of the victim I had felt.
The scream of victory.
I had done it. I had done it and I was moving in awareness to my truth as I was still in another level of consciousness yet at the same time, tied to the sensations of my physical body.
I returned to where I had been seeing my contract. As I was done reading it, I moved my left arm to reach the contract and sign it. Simultaneously, my left arm in this plane moved and we both signed it. It said,
Rukmani Kaur
As soon as I was done, while I was still looking at my contract, I heard a voice.
"We'll do this together"
Oh... I know this voice. My entire being recognized this voice. I looked to my right as he held my hands and smiled at me.
"Yes, I know we will"
I said internally, knowing that together we can achieve everything.
"Yes we will"
Came a voice from my left and I turned.
I went to him and hugged him as our life together played. I cried, my physical body cried knowing that everything we had gone through, every single little thing, we had both designed. There was no more guilt, but understanding and the unconditional love we share. The movie kept playing, playing above us as we continued to hug and share our hearts.
"Oh God. I love you so much"
I said through my heart.
I felt him smile and say,
"As do I"
At the very moment we released each other from the hug, I looked in front of me as this voice said,
"Yes, we WILL!"
Super certain, like she always is.
My heart, my heart melted and at that same moment, I knew. I SO knew that we had designed our meeting here on Earth, that everything had to happened as it did so we could get to know each other and help one another wake up.
Oh, that smile. Oh my Lord. Oh my heart.
MY heart.
I looked around me seeing them, seeing my besties, my love, my partners in this awakening process and I knew. I knew exactly at that moment that when I was coming into this existence, I was looking at them as they looked like shooting stars, in the transition, telling them that we are working together and we have a lot of work to do.
We held hands and our energies/beings shot up like beams, meeting at the "center" point. When this happened, there was an explosion of light going in every direction, and then...
I came back to my young Self. I touched the tiny little wall with the tip of one finger and it completely collapsed becoming ashes. She looked up smiling at me as I moved towards her. I became her. She was no longer outside but within. It was me the one talking to Guides and Angels. It was me playing with energy.
It had always been ME.
All these things began to shift in my physical body. It continued to move and to do backbends, to scream, to get in the fetal position and to hold my head as if the most painful thing was coming out.
Yes it was!
The strongest and "hardest" block there had been to release, had collapsed and my physical body was going through the change and the exit of that energetic block.
I had been in physical pain, emotional pain and all pains possible during an innerdance session, yet this pain surpassed them all.. almost all. It was so similar to my very first innerdance group session in Koh Phangan, where a big release led me to channeling.
Gosh, so similar. So painful.
My body began to facilitate itself... and at times we disregard the intelligence of our bodies... At one moment, my hands moved to my throat and helped stuck energy move and release. I felt like I was shocking. I couldn't breathe, yet I relaxed. I relaxed because I knew this was for the best of me, for my growth and for my path of consciousness.
I started to roll around on the bed; roll around in pain. My physical body wanted to make sense of what in the world was happening. As I found myself in a fetal position, I stayed there catching my breath. Then, with the aid of both hands, I sat up and my head commenced to move so quick side to side, up and down until my throat was exposed again to the sky and I screamed.
I screamed.
I screamed.
There have been times where I had toned down the screaming because of our neighbors. This time, it wasn't even an option, nor I wanted to do such thing. The scream of liberation was still coming through. The scream of the young child, of the lonely child that wanted to be heard yet was scared to speak up. The scream of the full awareness of a being that was rooting itself to a physical body.
The scream of
Finally I am free from my own boundaries
The scream of surrender, love, gratitude and compassion for whom I had been and for whom I was becoming.
The rebirth of my truth through a sound healing journey led by my own consciousness and the unconditional love of the Mother, of my Mami Cacao.
As the music softened reaching its end, my body laid on the bed exhausted; barely being able to breathe. Energy was still moving around, putting at ease a body that a couple seconds ago was freaking the fuck out.
Breath that was guiding me to fully come back to this reality with the full awareness of the totality of the experiences that had set me free.
Freedom from my past
Freedom from my own judgement
Freedom from expectations
Freedom from guilt
Utterly and complete
This morning, I began to write and I allowed my being to get lost in the beautiful feeling of movement through pages.
In the creativity of expressing gratitude towards the One
Towards the Creator
This morning, I allowed myself to be guided
By the movement of my wrist as it held my pen
Expressing gratitude in a level I hadn't expressed before.
This morning, I allowed myself to dig deeper in the most incredible way
To dig deeper into the meaning of gratitude
This morning, as I allowed my being express itself with the use of words
I watched as the creation was being unfolded through my fingertips
This morning, I allowed my being to create
Create with no limits
Create with no can't's
Create with just the feeling of creation itself
This morning, as I watched my arm moving
I realized that I had always been guided
I realized that truly there was nothing to fear
I realized that the creativity that radiates through me
Is the Creator working through me
This morning, as I sat writing my morning pages
I realized I had never been alone
I had never cried alone
I had never loved alone
I had never laugh alone
I had never been alone
This morning, I realized the love being expressed through this physical body
Is merely the unconditional love of the Creator
Of The One that gave us life
Of The One that gave us the ability to smile
Of The One that gave us the power to be alive
This morning I realized
I realized
I realized
I realized that we are all
Thank you
#Oneness #Gratitude
Remember who you are
Life can be so fascinating, so intriguing, so magical.
Life can be the Masterpiece that we have always wanted to be part of ... if we allow it to be.
Sometimes, we get in the way of creation.
Sometimes, we doubt ourselves.
Sometimes, we judge ourselves.
Sometimes, we don't think we are enough.
Sometimes, we dont think we have enough.
Sometimes, we question the way of life.
Sometimes, we question life itself.
BUT... if we truly think about it...
How could life not be enough?
How could WE not be enough?
How could life go wrong?
When WE, ourselves are the results of a bigger creativity
When we ARE creativity itself
When we ARE the beauty the painter creates in a canvas
When we ARE the colors flowing through a paint brush
When we ARE the light breeze of the wind
When we ARE the warmth of the rays of the Sun
When we ARE the brightness of the Stars
When we ARE creation at its Max
When we ARE
The masterpiece of life 💜
Remember who you are
Bless 💖🙏😘
#Life #Creation #Masterpiece #LoveMoreLoveLife
The Healing Powers of Nature
SOOOO... we see A LOT of happy posts everyday, which is amazing, which brightens up our days. However, life is not always butterflies and rainbows (although YES! ALWAYS Unicorns! 😉), but sometimes it's hard to share such things, because then our vulnerability gets put on the spot light... BUT we ARE human beings and the not so happy emotions are part of our Nature and equally as beautiful!
Allow me to share 😊
I had a little meltdown yesterday morning and by little, I mean a HUUUGE one. It was all triggered by something that had triggered me (so much triggers! 😂😂) the night before, which was not addressed and continued in the morning. At the beginning, I didn't know it was there, until it was coming out in my morning pages.
I decided to go outside to the balcony, look at the tree and talk to it... I began to cry uncontrollably, BUT being Nature SOOO freaking amazing, I was shown the connectivity of ALL trees and how by connecting with one anywhere in the world, I can connect to the one, I hugged every single morning in Las Vegas, the one my yoga trapeze hanged from, the one beautiful being in the backyard which I've been missing so deeply much. As crazy as it might sound, I started to talk to it and I felt the energy that it was sending me through the tree I was staring at.
After doing some Inner Dance, which stirred SOOOOO much shit up and I was still crying like a child, I heard the tree say to me "Now come downstairs and hug me." Dont gotta tell me twice to hug a tree LOL so I did.
I walked out of the condo with bare feet, with tears running down my face, walked towards and hugged it. This is when magic happened! I immediately felt my heart being healed. I immediately felt a sensation of ease all over my being. I immediately felt the unconditional love of Nature being transferred to me through that one tree and immediately I could breathe again.
It's quite fascinating... all the miracles and the magic that can happen to us, if we allowed them to, if we believe in them, after all... it's said very clearly in Alice and Wonderland:
"You know what the issue is with this world? Everyone wants a magical solution to their problems, and everyone refuses to believe in magic"
Transitioning into my new life and way of being, hasn't been easy... not that I thought it was gonna be easy to be honest, but I didn't think I was gonna be so emotional about it all 😂
As I was reading the first pages of The Artist's Way, the part of "mourning your old self" it became so clear to me that the reason why I've been so emotional is because I AM mourning my old life and my old self... I didn't have time, or let's say it correctly... I didn't give myself time to stop to feel the massive shift and changes I was going through... I pushed them aside so my family wouldn't worry, until I came back to Thailand.
Yesterday, as that awareness became evident, I shared it with D: how much I miss my old life, how much I miss Matt whom has been my bestie since High School, how much I miss my family and friends. How much I miss Toby's cuddles and... puppy... how much I miss my little squishy face... she always knew, ALWAYS when mommy wasn't feeling good and we have this thing, this connection. I'd send her a telepathic message to wake up so we can sneak out without waking anybody up and go to the park. We'd run together, pretty much every day this year... even though... she sucks at running HAHAHA but it was so incredibly adorable seeing her running for a few seconds and then do her fuck it walk! 😂 Gosh I love you so incredibly much baby! And well... also how much Nature helps me ground.
Today, he surprised me big time. I totally melted inside. A bit after breakfast he said "wanna go somewhere for a bit?" Like you don't have to ask me twice! Lol
He took me to an Alboretum! TREES, NATURE! OMG! 😍😍 I JUST LOVE U!
I hugged trees... of course, come on, it's me! He even said "What to do?" "Touch trees?" "Ok, go touch a tree, you tree hugger" 😂😂
YES! I absolutely did and not just one! Haha, I talked to them, I chanted to them, I played like a kid... YEA YES YES!!
All because how detailed and caring he is!
I hugged him and said to him "You are SOOO adorable!" He laughed asking why... for taking me to Nature, for showing me how much you care, for your presence, for being so incredibly understanding and for your unconditional love.
Thank you 🙏
I'm SO grateful for you 💖
I love you SOO deeply much 💖
A Gift for Paige - Burning Man 2018
It was Thursday night. Matt, Jeff, Tyler and I were at the Playa, at the LED Poles. There was this ADORABLE girl, whom was SOOO in AWE at them. Her expressions were out of this world. I could tell she was in such a great space and enjoying life at the moment.
Someone next to her heard her expressions and gave her some glasses to see things different, perhaps distorted "OMG OMG OMG" so grateful she was.
I kept watching her, I couldn't take my eyes off her. Plus I had already felt it, to give her a gift, the gift of channeling.
I waited till she was done with the glasses and for the other people to move away from her and approached her. I said to her "Girl, you're so beautiful" gently touching her arm. She turned around with such a beautiful and in shock smile and hugged me. I guess I didn't hugged her strong enough and she said "No. You gotta hugged me back" LOL
I said to her " I'd like to gift you something, if that's ok" sure. Ya. Thoughtful. I asked her if she minded being on her knees or sitting down. Sure, she said. "What is it that you are looking for in life?" I asked. hahaha such a broad question she said. We both laughed. I told her what I was about to do. To channel from Source and whatever she needed at the moment she will receive. "You don't have to tell me" I said. Oh, ok."Close your eyes. Go to your heart space, breathe and relax"
I began to channel, holding her left hand as she is a righty. The Universe within her was shown to her and the explosion of her, being IT ALL. My fingers moved to her forearm and back to her palm, opening a little hole to release what needed to be released and opening her palm chakra a bit more. Then I sang to her, telling her how incredibly beautiful she is. How her life is perfect and it will continue to be. All she needed was to trust and trust and trust. She squeezed my hand.
When it was done, I opened my eyes and waited for her to open hers, smiling. When she opened her eyes, she smiled and I knew, what she had felt and seen was what she was waiting for. She said "From now on, I will connect with my heart ALL the time" Something had shifted in her. Thank You Source.
I hugged her and told her she has such a beautiful energy. "OH my God" he said and we hugged again.
What's your name? Paige and yours? Claudia. Hablas español? Si. Mucho gusto. Mucho gusto!!
We stood up. Continuing to give each other hugs. "Wow Claudia, WOW" she said to me.
I hugged her again and said "Happy Burn" "Happy Burn. Yes ok!" She replied.
I moved away after another hug and blowed her a kiss.
Running - Within the Movement there is a stillness that feeds the Soul
The feeling of freedom as the wind caresses my face
The feeling of hOMe as my heart races
The feeling of security as my feet touch the ground
The warm feeling as the Sun kisses my third eye
The feeling of being alive as I run aimlessly in town
There are so many things in my mind, so many feelings that have come up since landing in this amazing city that was once my home: Vegas.
When I was younger, I used to be in the track and field team at school. First it was because a boy I liked was part of it as well (LOL I know), then it became more. It made me feel at ease, at peace. Since little I struggled to open up and talk about my world... let's be honest... it's not a normal one haha... what IS normal anyway?
So running moved all those feelings away and brought a magical spot where time stopped and the struggled ceased.
I stopped running when I moved to the States when I was 15 years old. When I think about that time... no wondered why my issues became more difficult lol I stopped doing everything I loved and went into hibernation mode. It took years to go back to running and still then, it wasn't a practice I kept up for all the health issues I had. It was at the beginning of this year, 2018, that running became part of my life again.
I was training for a Marathon I was doing with one of my besties Tanairi and because I was already going through so much; it gave me so much clarity. I already knew I was moving to Thailand, I had opened up to people I care deeply about and got shut down. I knew an intense change was coming and I was leaving a relationship I had been on for years. Shit was SOOO real and fear was creeping up.
So I ran and I ran and I ran, pretty much every morning. Even if I didn't want to or felt lazy, I still woke up, meditated and went for a run. I didn't make it easy; it wasn't a flat surface. It was hilly, as the path went up and down, yet it was Nature so I didn't mind. I listened to EDM and every time the beat dropped, I sprinted. The freedom it gave me was unreal. When my heart raced so much, I felt so alive. As the wind dance with my hair and caressed my cheeks I felt so held by Nature and the whispers of "You are ok, do not worry" came easily.
I kept it up until I moved to Thailand... to be completely honest, I didn't do much exercise while I was there because I had massive healings pretty much the entire time since arriving. My physical body couldn't take it and because I overworked my body while I was still in Vegas (I had to keep my mind occupied otherwise I was literally gonna go insane ), my body needed the rest.
The beautiful thing about it all is that the moment I arrived to Thailand, was the moment I tuned so deeply into ALL my bodies. The connection was the kind of gratitude and understanding. I know meow, when it's best to do something and when it's time to stop. I hear my body saying enough or let's do this. It's quite magical if you ask me
So, at this time in my life, with the overwhelming sensation of so many feelings coming up, of so many things I have to do, of endings that become new beginnings, running is the one thing that will keep my sanity in check HAHAHAHA simply because it takes me back to the present moment, it helps me tune in to my surroundings and my inner self, but most importantly, it reminds me how within the movement there is a stillness that feeds the Soul and that is a reminder of what a miracle being alive is.
Bless <3
My Awakening - The Story behind Channeling Directly from Source
On June 22, 2018 my awakening process fully began…
It all started with a little tab and the beach with my soul family in a beautiful island.
Of course, I didn't know that little thing was about to change my life. We all went to the beach and chilled. Spent pretty much the entire time in the water, connecting with her, with the Island, with Mother Earth, with Nature and of course with each other.
I found myself floating on the water, talking to her and sharing the love I felt for her and vice-versa. I began to understand how some people choose to go that way and how others realize their potential as the connection with everything becomes stronger.
It was the moment that I was helping to get something to eat for my bestie's daughter (who was my daughter in another lifetime) that I felt something bigger was coming.
I moved closer to the water, not placing my feet on her, but still close enough I could feel the wetness on the sand. As I faced her, my body began to dance in a way I hadn't before. I felt like a Goddess lost in a trance dancing her pains away. Well, ... it literally happened that way. My hands commenced to move energy in a beautiful and graceful way; seeing it all. My mouth began to make some noises as a different breathing took place, and my body continued to dance. I felt like I was watching everything behind the scenes, yet I was there fully present during the entire process.
Things were being released from my being, things that had been in my family for generations and because of fear of taking the leap of faith, hadn't been released. It was my job in this lifetime to do it. Although the release was painful, it wasn't uncomfortable and not once did I cry throughout the process. I felt so much gratitude at knowing what was going on. I kept hearing my friends talking to me and about me making sure I was ok, yet I couldn't stop what was happening, nor did I want to.
As the process continued and the released was finalizing, it came to my awareness that what I was releasing was not only from my Divine Feminine, but from the Collective one. I was releasing that for us all. This realization brought more gratefulness and more humbleness to my being as I experienced such a connection to all of us; as the We are ONE became more than just a concept, but a full reality.
When the release finalized, my being continue to danced in glory and in bliss. Energy was still being moved not only with my arms but also with my torso, head hips and legs, and although my eyes were closed, I saw it all through THE eye. When it all finished, I stayed still and brought my hands to my mouth in a "holy shit" kind of motion. I walked towards my bestie not knowing what to say. She looked at me and asked if I was ok and I told her "I remember who I am." She hugged me and I cried telling her about watching my people being murdered, about the destruction, about it all.
I went to bed, after having an indescribable and beautiful experience with my beloved and woke up due to something that was happening with my tongue. It was as if someone had a hold of it and pulled it in all possible directions non-stop, stretching it beyond belief. I didn't know what was happening, yet again, no part of me felt fear. I knew something magical was happening even if my mind, couldn't comprehend what. In my heart I knew everything was alright. Some noises came out of my mouth as my tongue danced and I allowed it all to unfold as I surrendered deeper to the process. Luckily for me, I was already used to "weird" things happening since the moment my Kundalini energy fully move up on June of 2016. #Grateful
This went on for what felt like an hour or so and then I passed out again. When I woke up, I felt so different. SO different. I had shifted massively and there was no denying it.
We had all planned to do a little ceremony for a friend to let go of something/someone in Nature, close to water. So before heading to Nature, we went to have brunch. There were so many of us and we all could not fit in one car, so I asked my housemate if I could ride with him on his bike. I had already shared with him my experience of the night before since he had stayed in. Well what happened that day was a continuation of the previous night.
As soon as I got on his bike, my hands moved to his back and I began to channel something. I heard "Channels are being opened." And I began to say something in a language I "hadn't heard" before. I remember asking him "Do you hear what I'm saying?" He said he could hear something, yet couldn't put the words together... weeellll neither could I at that moment. My hands moved effortlessly on his back, like I knew I was doing yet part of me had no clue what was happening. The language started to come out stronger as I was pulling energy out of him, sending it to Mother Earth and she would send it back to me cleaner to put it back in him. It was so fascinating!
The entire time we hiked to get to this water place for the ceremony, my hands were "playing" with energy, feeling it like I hadn't felt it before and speaking this "new" language. I couldn't even stop it to grab my backpack and another friend had to help me put it on! It was quite funny!
When the ceremony ended, we all headed back. I needed to exchange some money and get some fruits, so we did that before heading back home. Again "Channels are being opened" was heard and healing was happening for my beloved, the entire way to exchange money, buying, fruits and heading back home.
After trying Jackfruit for the first time ... I had only had it as the vegan version of pulled pork... which was YUUUUMMSSS!!! , I channeled a session for him. Ok so, I had no idea what was happening, words just came out of my mouth in that language, my hands just moved, like I've done this PLENTY times before (which I have, let's be honest) and even sang in this beautiful ancient language.
When I was done, I went to the kitchen to grab a mango while I waiting for him to come back. I sat on the floor eating the fruit (lol I'm such a yogi) and when he opened his eyes I said to him "I'd like to explain what just happened, but I have no idea" he asked curiously if that was the first time I had done a healing like that and of course I replied yes. I needed to lay down, so I excused myself and went to my room. Little did I know, the next day was still gonna be a continuation of the previous days.
Two words: Inner Dance.
Inner Dance is a state of being and through the process, awareness reaches a point where things come back to you making you feel closer to Source ( Remember: You have always been one with Source) and in tune with your truth.
On Sunday June 24 of 2018, I went to a Inner dance group session with my beloved. I truly did not expect what was about to happen.
As soon as the music began, my arms danced and the language was spoken just as any other language I am fluent in. I talked, I screamed, I cried all in that ancient language. My body made all these kinds of movements, that I swear if any other being was watching, would have taught I was playing out the exorcist lol It kept shaking, moving and doing these intense backbends that I tried so hard to do during my Yoga practice without any luck. At that moment, it wasn't even a big deal and didn't even hurt. However, what did hurt was the release that was coming out.
I realized throughout the process that I had been cursed in another lifetime; that was coming out and it was EXTREMELY painful. There were 3 facilitators in the room; one was always with me... imagine the intensity. At moments when my body was in intense backbend position, one of them press on my belly and that triggered everything. I yelled and cried even louder as the curse was coming out of my left side and moving all the way up to be released through my throat.
When it was finally out of me, I felt so light, like I hadn't felt before. A portal opened up and I saw Sacred Geometry, Metraton's Cube, and the flower of life all around it. I reached out to them and began to create different symbols with them, expanding them, contracting them, making patterns and bringing them into my being; to every main chakra to be more specific, starting with the crown all the way down to the root. Every time, Sacred Geometry would enter my chakras, my body would move as if a truck had hit me and a painful noise would come out of my mouth. The moment all the chakras were cleared, I was able to take a deep breath and rest for a bit. My heart rate was finally calming down.
When I was able to move, I sat down. I immediately reached for my head, touching in it, almost not believing I had made it. I kept feeling my body in complete AWE saying in the ancient language "Holy Shit, I made it!!" And I began to laugh uncontrollably, thinking that it had taken so much effort to wake up. Yet I had done it... I could finally breathe!
Then I began to think... ok well, so how do I switch to speak the other languages I speak? My left index finger went immediately to my left temple and poked it... I started to speak in Italian. I did the same thing, and a combination of french and the ancient language came. I poked my temple again saying "Why are you not speaking French fluently?!" And laughing at the same time. I poked it again and English came out... at this moment, I connected with my Beloved's Higher Self and we had a dope conversation.
I was completely in AWE at everything that had just happened and at the same time, so extremely grateful. After the conversation with my twin, my body began to do its thing again and continue to release... this time, it was about my parents. My arms pulled in all things of directions as I was in a child's pose position. First, it was my right arm; it was being pulled to the right, forward and back, as in trying to do Reverse Namaste hand position. That was about my dad and then it moved to the left side, the side about my mom. I am not recalling at this moment what exactly happened, I just remember the right side being more intense. Perhaps because I had more imbalances on that shoulder than the other one... well more noticeable ones. I kept talking on the ancient language, crying and releasing pain... and then the music stopped; the session was over.
I was still in child's pose, breathing heavily and not being able to move. I felt that I had taken the most intense heated fitness class. My hair was all over my face, sweat all over my head and my heart beat was still rising. I felt and heard people moving and going to the bathroom, yet I was still there on the mat, or floor... I had moved A LOT!
When I was able to finally move, I sat up, still in a bit of a shock. We were served tea and sat in a circle. It was sharing time. Part of me was nervous... "What am I supposed to say? How could I even say what had just happened when I am still processing it all?" ... a little crystal moved around the circle. It was a way to give space to someone to share. I heard people's experiences, yet my heart was still like "Shit! What are we saying?" Then, I came to the realization that regardless something was gonna come out and freaking out and overthinking was not gonna do me any good; so I tried very hard to pay full attention to the ones sharing prior to me.
When the crystal arrived to my hands, I wasn't even nervous. The words came out so smoothly, I didn't even have to think about it. " I remember" I said "I remember and I am very grateful for all of you, for holding the space and creating this collectively." These were the words that stuck more with me, yet when I said them, I looked mostly at the floor. I knew if people saw my eyes, they were gonna notice the difference and I wasn't ready for that. I needed more time for myself and to process it all.
People began to leave. My beloved came to me, he was sitting across the circle when we were sharing. I told him about my experience but at the same time, not about the awakening. I kept thinking "The ones who know don't speak. The ones who speak don't know."
It took me probably a week to say it to my best friends. Yet I kept channeling and doing healing sessions, this time in my language. My channeling and connection to Source had increased and it was more powerful than ever. I knew I was channeling directing from Source; I didn't have to think about it, it just came.
From that moment on, my life changed completely. Everyday, I became stronger and more powerful. Everyday, something new would download. Everyday, the healing sessions I'd hold for others became more specific related to them, more powerful, more intense and it wasn't just Reiki... it was and IT IS Source doing the healing through me. I had become, the one thing I kept asking since I started this path consciously:
I AM the purest bridge between the Divine, the Physical Real and other Realms.
The most beautiful gift I have received in this lifetime, besides my life and my Beloved. Actually, I would say, the 3 of all are all at the same level. =)
Bless <3
Kundalini Awakening
I haven't shared much about this. The reason is because is so deep, personal, intense and sometimes I just wanna be with myself and my experience. However, I know that I cannot be the only one in our world experiencing this, and perhaps some have no idea of what's going on. I am so blessed and grateful to have guidance through the process, not only from my Kundalini teachers, but also my Spiritual Master, Energy Teacher and soul sister that has gone through the entire process.
There are some days that I can't do much, like yesterday and today. Feeling so much, feeling the energy moving within me, feelings rising to be cleared and released, weakness in my physical body to the point I can barely move. It used to happen more at night time when I would be chilling at home with baby, although slightly different. I would feel the energy moving and I would go into a trance; my physical body would move, squeezing my spine, moving my arms around, cracking bones, neck turning in all directions, body collapsing into the couch, cleansing my being. I got used to that and so did baby. After coming back, I could barely eat, because of all the energy within me. One thing is at night when you are technically almost done with your day, other is during daylight when you still have things to do. Which I struggled with a bit, because I am very active, I practice yoga and fitness pretty much everyday, feeding myself enough and also resting when I know I need to in order not to burn myself out. But I realized, if it's gonna happen, is because I'm ready and it can happen at anytime. I stopped trying to control it and surrender in the process and let it be.
I haven't been able to eat since last saturday... and I enjoy me some delish vegan meals and juice. I've been eating, but barely. It's almost like my being says, nah, I'm cool. Yesterday I had to take an uber home from our store because I knew I wasn't going to be able to drive, but before that I had a little breakdown. I allowed it to be, not keeping anything in. I asked my Angels, guides, and Masters to be by me. My Guardian Angel held my right hand, my main Reiki Guide held my left and Guru Ram Das Was in front of me, all of them sending me energy and being there for support. I know I am NEVER alone and I am so grateful for that awareness.
At the beginning of it all, I was a bit scared, because I didn't know what was happening. Meow, I relax into it. Even if my body paralyzes for a bit, I know I am ok. This is ALL happening because I am strong enough and because I am ready for it and well... I did ask for it haha
I am sharing this, in case you are going through something similar and have no idea what's going on. You are not alone in this process, and it's all happening because you're entire being is craving it and ready for it.
Trust the process, ease into it and enjoy the beauty of it all.
What are you grateful for today?
Today, I am grateful for the moments that take my breath away.
I am grateful for the silence in between and among peeps, for the presence of someone, knowing that everything can be said without words.
I am grateful for the moments spent with sisters, brothers, twins, soulmates, family, friends, animals, nature knowing that we all speak the same language: LOVE 😍💜🙏
I am grateful for the wordless eye to eye conversations, for the exchange of knowledge through the eyes.
I am grateful for feeling the wind on my face and my skin, as the wind communicates silently.
I am grateful for the beauty of the sky and the temporary paralyzation I get as we communicate with something beyond words.
I am grateful for the moments where laughter is the main communicator.
I am grateful for the moments I close my physical eyes, knowing that in that space and every moment we are All ONE 😍
What are you grateful for today? 🦄
So many blessings and love to us all!
#Grateful #Life #Love #Sky #Nature #Presence #Inspiration#Motivation #RukmaniKaur #Cloudysworld #Blessed
Joy <3
I wake up full of joy everyday and it goes on, until I decide to go to bed and rest... correction... it goes on till eternity... How? I let everything go. I stopped trying to control and trying to do everything the way my mind wanted to do things and I started living through my heart.
Oh... our hearts... our hearts are beyond powerful... somebody should really invent a word that signifies WAY more than powerful. The kind of powerful that your jaw drops, your being stays in shock for a few seconds, your heart pours so much love from every inch of your being and you cannot speak, because words cannot express the beauty and joy you just experience. It's kinda like POOF! WHAT IN THE WORLD JUST HAPPENED?!?! 😂😂 really though.
So I began to trust fully my path. I stopped doubting myself and embraced my uniqueness, my light, my healing powers. At that moment, all the walls collapsed. The wall that I had built around myself to "protect" me from the world and MY life as it's meant to be lived in this lifetime began! 😱😍🙏💜🙌🦄
And let me tell you, how much I ADORE IT!!!! 😍😍😍 there is no one second in my life I do not enjoy. Even the moments where I find myself in a situation that makes me uncomfortable, bc those are the moments that bring more growth. Those are the moments where I stop and think with my heart, where the trigger is coming from, to understand it and send it love.
Embrace your uniqueness and the love you have for yourself. Let go of fears and trust. TRUST YOU!
You are here for a reason and you CHOSE to be here. We all did.
Your life is a work of art and you are the greatest artist it has ever existed. Start to believe that, start to embrace it with all your might and you'll see the transformation your being has been waiting for, for SOOO long!
Blessings my sweet friends! 🦄💜💜🙏🙏🙏💞💖😍😙🤗
#Joy #Life #quote #QuoteOfTheDay #Uniqueness#Trust #Path #Believe #Cloudysworld#RukmaniKaur
Show Up!
Show up!
That's all you have to do, show up in your life for YOU. Take the time to understand what you need and what you want. Create a manifestation board. Write down everything you want to do and see. Share it with friends, speaking about it and let the Universe know what YOU want! And always in the present tense. All great Master have known, that everything they needed, was already coming to them. Believe in your manifestation powers just like Masters do.
Embrace what wants to come out and love every second of it. Enjoy your being, enjoy your life. LIVE your life.
Transform the I should've to I DID! And create the life of your dreams!
#Manifest #ShowUp #Live #Believe #Inspiration#Cloudysworld #Sharpei #Besties #VieBeingVie#SquishyLittleFace
You are a miracle
Sometimes, life will throw curveballs. It's through those curveballs that you will continue to grow and evolve. Yes, they might hurt, but they do because as human beings we have this tendency to hold on to things, people, relationships, and whatever else comes in this category. It is the resistance that brings the pain and suffering; the resistance to change.
Evolution. As beings, we will continue to evolve, so what we tend to fight is the evolution of ourselves. While the trueself is screaming to come out to fully enjoy life in alignment and union with the self of this moment.
It can be scary to take the Leap of faith. However, what are you scared of, when your identity, your truth is immortal? Our physical bodies might decay, but we don't. We have an eternity to enjoy and do whatever we want and crave. This life is just a short period of time, a tiny tiny fraction of the eternity of our beings. So enjoy life, don't fight it anymore. Let your truth come out and play. Give that little girl or little boy that is screaming to get out a chance to enjoy the beauty of being alive in this planet at this moment in time.
Remember, you CHOSE to come here, not to be scared of your truth, but to do something so great. Words aren't enough to express the beauty and the strength you carry within.
It's time to start to fully believe. Let it go, whatever happened is already in the past; you can't change that anymore, but what you can change, is the way you see your life, yourself and this world. Start truly seeing and realize what a miracle you are. Realize that your potential to do what your soul craves is unlimited. Unleash it all, let go of the past and start to truly be YOU. The you that so many others are waiting to see, that you, that YOU are waiting to see.
The choice is yours. What will you do?
Much love and unlimited blessings!
#Miracle #Inspiration #ItsTime #LetGo #Potd#Cloudysworld
The past is in the past meow. There is nothing anyone can do about it. What we can do is learn from it and release it sending it love.
Things, emotions, situations, will continue to come up in different ways to bring attention to something you haven't before, so the cycle stops and doesn't continue to show up in your life. Sometimes we can get so caught up into what's happening that we don't pay attention to the situation, getting involved with just our feelings.
Feelings are truly beautiful. Allow yourself to feel them all, without judging, just care. But if there is something that continues to repeat itself and you find yourself saying again?! , start to look at it from another perspective; where you can see it for what it is rather than being attached to the feelings it's bringing. What about that situation keeps coming back? What do you need to bring awareness to In order to stop it from coming up again?
Perhaps is a lesson... pretty often is a lesson... It's something from within yourself, showing up in front of your physical eyes for healing.
I used to fight those emotions, those situations and ignored them. Because, it's not quite easy seeing something and understanding it's you not them. When the true awareness came into realization, I understood and allowed myself to see. Not for anybody else, but for ME. So more suffering doesn't occur, so I can continue to grow, learn and share those learning experience with everyone I can.
Love yourself so much, to the point you break down the wall in between who you think you are and who you truly are.
That was the moment I became ME.
Blessings and Love! 💖💖🦄😘💞💖
#Inspiration #Life #Love #Care #potd#Cloudysworld
Oh backbends! 😍😍💖🙏
I do have to admit, I LOOOOVE them so much!!! Perhaps it has something to do with my first Yoga Teacher Training, where Mr Zeeky Vincent would have us do 10 Wheels during each practice pretty much! Kinda had to go with it! Lol
There is so much that happens when you're in a backbend. My favorite thing... the openness of your chest, your sternum and your heart.
So many times, we close our chest, having our shoulders caving in, compressing your heart, perhaps even the throat sometimes... closing the most beautiful part of you: YOUR 💖
I see our 💖s like a little portal that connects us with EVERYTHING: The Divine, Mother Earth, Humanity, Animals, Minerals, you name it and it's SO POWERFUL!
I talk A LOT about out hearts... there is a reason for everything. I had an awful posture, I allowed my shoulders to come forward, closing my chest, closing my heart, my life. It was and ok life, however, I suffered a lot. The moment I started to implement backbends, mindfulness, meditation, yoga in my life, everything that didn't serve me any longer, started to fade away... so beautiful until I was left with my presence, my breath, my being.
The uncomfortable moments are the ones that makes us grow more. Are you ready to be comfortable being uncomfortable? You might surprise yourself!
So much love, light and blessings! 💖💖🙏
#UrdhvaDhanurasana #Wheel #HeartOpener#BackBend #Yoga #702Yoga #Cloudysworld
Expectations exists, big time. But who are we to tell someone who we think they are and how to life their life? No one. For all we know, we might not know ANYTHING about a person. We can only see what the other one allows us to see.
Expect nothing and allow other ones to live and... Live yourself!
I was alive, but not living. I freed myself the moment I understood I am the one that creates myown reality. I am the one manifesting this beautiful life, I am the designer and creator and so are YOU! 🙌
If there is something your holding off onto, let it go, greater things are coming, I promise. You just need to let go of the old and allow the new to come.
"THE best is yet to come" so true, so true. If you can feel it on my words, you know is true and it's BEYOND beautiful... AND if I am doing it, so can YOU!💜🙏🦄
SO much love and blessings to you all!
#RukmaniKaur #Cloudysworld #Inspiration#Motivation #Life
The Expression of Self
💜🙏 The Expression of Self 🙏💜
Who are you? What makes you YOU?
Sometimes we can struggle with this question. Perhaps we have already identified ourselves with how society perceives us, family, culture, country, Planet, etc... outside things
However, the answer is inside, and only YOU know the true answer.
Instead of looking for answers in the outside world, look within. Sit still, laugh, dance, do anything that makes your being feel more alive and then stop it all and feel. Feel through your heart, feel through your pores and skin, feel what makes you, YOU.
You can conduct your life one way, but the truth still remains, you are still the MIRACLE you have always been and the result of thousands and upon thousands other beings that came together and made your lineage. So, express yourself in the way that suits you, no someone else's. Live your life on your shoes, not others.
Honor yourself, respect yourself. LOVE every single part of you , even if you don't think you can... one day you will surprise yourself and you will come to the realization: YOU HAVE ALWAYS BEEN PURRFECT ! 😊😚💜🙏🦄
So many blessings and much love!
#RukmaniKaur #Cloudysworld
#WhoAreYou #Motivation #Inspiration #Potd#LifeIsBeautiful #Blessed #Grateful#TheExpressionOfSelf
BE Proud of your Past!
Be PROUD of your past! 💜💜
It's funny how, our past being the one thing that shapes our future, we can be indifferent towards it. I know I was.
I was ashamed of my experiences, I was ashamed because I saw myself as defaulted... I wasn't like everyone else wanted me to be and it was like the end of the world... And it literally almost was. I didn't understand... that's the thing about unconscious living, and experiencing life like a robot. When I think back to myself, honestly it surprises me that I lived that long unconscious hahaha but it also cracks me up! 🤣😂
Then I understood, every single step I took, lead me to this present moment and for THAT ... My gratitude for those experiences will increase daily.
Acknowledge your past and love it. Look back whenever you need to heal a situation or perhaps to see how far you've come, but don't dwell on it. When you live in the past, you're missing the present moment, missing your LIFE.
Life flies by, flight with it, not without it.
Blessings and so much love! 😙😙💜🙏🦄
#RukmaniKaur #Cloudysworld #Potd #Inspiration #Motivation #Live #Life #LoveYourPast
It's never about the outside world, but within you
There is something we should all acknowledge, since as human beings, we can have these feelings: hatred.
All our feelings come from 2 main ones: Love & Fear. All negative emotions come from fear, all positive come from love. Every single emotion we feel is necessary in the evolution of our beings. How can u know love, if you don't know fear? Just like how .ca you know who you are, if you don't kow who you are not? ... THE question.
It is very important to know and acknowledge that is NEVER about the outside world, but it's about your inside world. Perhaps it's another person that is triggering that negative emotion and it is WAY EASIER to say oh ya it's them and call them names rather than say, it's me. But it's ok, it's all a process.
Know that if you are feeling hatred, is not about the person you're targeting, but about yourself. THAT feeling is about yourself, not them. Meow the question is... why so you have such feelings towards you? When you are truly beautiful and such a miracle. Why do you tend to sabotage yourself and your happiness comparing your life to others?
Remember, that feeling , eats your entire being from the inside out. At the end of the day, you aren't making the other person suffer, but you are making YOURSELF suffer even more... and... why?! There is no reason... it's fear... what are you fearing? Being you? Allowing yourself to bring out your light?
There is no reason to suffer my sweet friends. This life is meant to be lived to it's fullest and happiness. Comparing yourself to others is sabotage. You might be at one level of something, when someone is at the 10th level... why compare? The life you live is absolutely different than the one others live.
Love yourself enough, trust yourself enough to heal YOU from the inside out. You can "heal" outside situations, but if they aren't healed from within, they will continue to show up in different ways... for the greater good of your being.
Trust yourself that you can do it. You're going through it for a reason.
You signed up for this for a reason, because you knew YOU CAN ABSOLUTELY DO IT.
It's time to believe in your healing powers and start to fully live!
Fur Babies
<3 Furbabies <3
I honestly cannot imagine a bigger love, we don't have children of our own yet, they have always been our children since day one.
Their love is humble and true. I love watching them interact with one another, and with themselves... being involved so in the present moment.
Chasing their tail kind of moment ,getting on their back and move around stretching them, playing with each other, making their own noises, sleeping... Every moment takes my breath away and they allow my love to fully expand and receive it gladly.
And these moments: when the join in with your joy, with you sadness, with your crying, with your purging, with your bliss, and you knowing that they have your back, meow and always.
It's such a humbling, beautiful, blissful connection that makes every part of my being vibrate highly For every moment that I have been there for them and they have been there for me, I am so beyond grateful and I celebrate their lives every single day! Blessings sweet souls! #FurBabies #Family #Love #Vie #VieBeingVie #TobyBear #BrownieGirl #Sharpei #LabBoxer #Connection #Grateful #Blessed